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May 17, 2024

Aimi Bullock

Woburn, England, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. You must be pleased with that?

AIMI BULLOCK: Yeah, didn't really expect that coming into the tournament for sure.

Q. In terms of your golf game, has it been better this week than you thought, obviously?

AIMI BULLOCK: Yeah, it's a tough course, so definitely having played here last year, I definitely managed myself and my golf and my MS health much better this week. That's been a big factor.

Q. And I guess the weather, it's all helped as well?

AIMI BULLOCK: It has, yeah, and keeping the ball in the fairway this year has really helped.

Q. And I noticed last year there were six women who played and this year there's 11, so a step up. Is that just growth of the women's side of this championship?

AIMI BULLOCK: I think definitely we are beginning to see more women playing the game and being part of the G4D tournaments and we are getting more exposure.

So now we are definitely seeing more women wanting to take part in these tournaments, and I think this year the fact that they are the leading female wins the same trophy as the leading male is something for everyone to play for and I think that makes a big difference as well.

Q. I know you're heavily involved in a volunteering role. Sounds like it's keeping you busy but how much can that make a difference from your side, as well?

AIMI BULLOCK: Hugely. I'm extremely -- I've always been extremely passionate about getting more women with disability playing golf, whether it's grass roots or in tournaments like this. Yeah, I love it, and it's great to be involved in this.

Q. What now for you? What's next?

AIMI BULLOCK: I'm going to have a drink and then I'm going to watch some of the golf and then I'm going to have a big rest and get myself prepared for the England Golf G4D tournament.

Q. Is that next week?

AIMI BULLOCK: End of June.

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