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May 15, 2024

Sydney Hackett

Melanie Walker

San Antonio, Texas

Oak Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You guys obviously got down early, 3-down early against them, and that's obviously pretty tough when you're playing a high-level opponent. Was that kind of -- did that wear on you?

MELANIE WALKER: Well, we just kept on saying it's just not making the cut, this is do-or-die. But we didn't do -- we missed a couple putts coming in. But hey, we took it to 17 after being 3-down early and we gave a good fight. But we bogeyed our first two holes, and you just shouldn't do that out here.

SYDNEY HACKETT: They were in position all day. They were always in the fairway it seemed like.

MELANIE WALKER: And then we were left, right, left, right, literally military golf.

Q. I saw you had a good chance on 9 --

MELANIE WALKER: Missed it. We missed it on 16 to tie the hole. We missed a good putt on 14 --

Q. How far was the putt on 16?

MELANIE WALKER: It was probably 13 feet.


MELANIE WALKER: Then I missed a putt on 14 to win the hole, that was like a similar line. We gave ourselves opportunities --

SYDNEY HACKETT: The putts didn't drop today.

Q. To get to the semis after where you guys were on Sunday with 11 holes to play, what does that say -- what did you find out about yourselves this week?


MELANIE WALKER: And we can fight. I think fighting is really important, especially in college golf. You don't always -- I can't tell you the one time this year where I came in with my best stuff in tournament play. I think just knowing, hey, I can get it in position, if I'm in the trees and hit it close to the green and get a par, like our first part of the day both of us were right, she chipped out and hit it to three feet, and we tied the hole. Just getting it to that, we have -- just knowing and being confident in that.

SYDNEY HACKETT: We were doing good about making pars, we just weren't in position to make the birdies.

Q. You guys are exempt the next two years, Oklahoma City and South Carolina?

SYDNEY HACKETT: South Carolina is a little bit closer to home.

Q. What else is left on your schedules?

MELANIE WALKER: We're both playing Sea Island later this month. Are you playing North and South?

SYDNEY HACKETT: I applied for North and South.

MELANIE WALKER: I applied for Western.

SYDNEY HACKETT: I applied for Western.

Q. Obviously U.S. Women's Am qualifying?

MELANIE WALKER: U.S. Women's Am qualifying and then the state ams.

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