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May 14, 2024

Brynn Kort

Gracie McGovern

San Antonio, Texas

Oak Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You didn't have a stressful match today like you did the first two days.

BRYNN KORT: Honestly, the front nine was a little -- until someone over here made a hole-in-one on the first --

GRACIE McGOVERN: I've been having a couple swing issues and overthinking and stuff, but then on No. 8 I was just talking down the fairway and Brynn and her mom were like, swing free, just trust it, and that's what I started doing. Then after that I made a hole-in-one.

Q. How much do you think that was the --

BRYNN KORT: That was a momentum shifter,.


Q. Did you feel it yourselves?

BRYNN KORT: We lost 10 but we got on the green in two and almost made eagle, so hats off to Vanessa for doing that. After that, we kind of went pedal down after that.

Q. Are you tired of seeing these other two? Two stroke play rounds with them, two practice rounds with them --

BRYNN KORT: One of them is going to be my teammate, so I'm not too mad about seeing her.

Q. Did you guys do everything but go to dinner with them this week?

BRYNN KORT: We have not gone to dinner with them this week, surprisingly.

Q. But you certainly got to know them pretty well.

BRYNN KORT: Oh, yeah.

GRACIE McGOVERN: Yeah, definitely.

Q. Was that strange to end up having to play them --

BRYNN KORT: No, we had fun.

GRACIE McGOVERN: Very relaxed.

BRYNN KORT: Cordial match. Honestly, I think we enjoyed it, because again, we're going to be teammates in the future, so I think it was good for us.

Q. You guys took them out before they could get to the final day.

BRYNN KORT: They're a good team. They're hard to beat. We were just making putts, and that's kind of what went in our favor.

Q. How do you think you guys handle tomorrow? It's another long day. It's trophy day tomorrow. How do you handle your nerves? I don't know if you've ever been in a situation like this before.

BRYNN KORT: We've never been in this situation, but I think we're going to keep doing what we're doing. We're having fun out there and we're being a team.

GRACIE McGOVERN: Hamming-and-egging it.

Q. Have you guys won any individual events in the last year or two?

BRYNN KORT: You won Heather Farr last year.


BRYNN KORT: Had a few top 10s, had a few small things, nothing major, though.

Q. How will you handle your nerves tomorrow now that you're at the last day?

BRYNN KORT: Trusting each other. If we keep having fun, I don't think we're going to focus on that too much.

Q. Was there anything else besides the hole-in-one on the back nine that you guys made a putt or --

GRACIE McGOVERN: I'd say we kept making putt after putt.

Q. Did you make any birdies?

BRYNN KORT: Yeah, we were 6-under in our last seven holes.

Q. You finished on 15 --

BRYNN KORT: Yeah, so we parred 10, parred 11, then I birdied 12. I birdied 13. We parred 14, and we birdied 15.

Q. You had the birdies on 12 and 13?


Q. How long were the putts?

BRYNN KORT: Probably like 15, 20 feet.

GRACIE McGOVERN: One of them was like a 15-footer downhill sliding. It was good.

Q. Who birdied 15?

BRYNN KORT: She did. She got on the green with driver off the deck.

GRACIE McGOVERN: That's my favorite.

Q. How far was the shot?


Q. Have you ever hit driver off the deck before?

BRYNN KORT: She's hit it all week. She drove it through the trees on 10 every day.

Q. You knocked it on the green and two putts?


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