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May 12, 2024

Rose Zhang

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club


Q. I'm not sure I can make sense of it, but I can see if Rose can make sense of it. After the 12th hole you go three shots behind. What did you tell yourself to turn things around in that moment?

ROSE ZHANG: I honestly didn't tell myself anything. I'm still shaking right now. I think I never gave up. I always knew I had something in me to just grind it out, enjoy the time.

Madelene is an extremely solid player, so without further ado, she was basically hitting every single shot next to the hole, making putts. I had to prepare myself for the toughest challenge.

But it's crazy that this happened.

Q. You do seem to rise to the occasion. We've seen it numerous times. Done it as an amateur; you've done it now twice as a pro with your second LPGA Tour win. What is it within you? What do you find?

ROSE ZHANG: It's honestly very cliche, but I have to give it back to my faith. I think I had so much strength in me to really go out there and try my best, and without any other consequences or no matter what I shoot I'm going out there and I'm glorifying God.

I mean, this is for Him for sure.

Q. And you talked a little bit about the battle with Madelene. Basically the last two days it's been you and her against each other. Did it feel that way to you when you were just playing against her, like proper match play situation?

ROSE ZHANG: It almost felt like match play. I was telling my dad in the car yesterday that I played her at Solheim Cup last year and I knew she was a solid player. No matter what anyone else says, I know she can rise to the occasion no problem.

So I had to really stay patient and find it in me to get it done.

Q. And this is obviously the Founders Cup. To do this in front of the Pioneers, you got Beth Daniel, Pat Bradley standing over there. World Golf Hall of Fame members, LPGA Hall of Fame members, and the Founders, does that make this victory even more special for you?

ROSE ZHANG: 100%. Like I said before in previous interviews, Beth, Pat, they don't get enough recognition for what they've done for the game, for the LPGA. For their accolades to really shine now, it's honestly an honor to be able to play in front of them, let alone win.

So grateful they've been here to support all the players. Basically everything they do, it doesn't go unnoticed.

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