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May 12, 2024

Madelene Sagstrom

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club


Q. Professional golf gives you so many opportunities; sometimes it really stings. I would think today would be one of those moments. It was such a great battle between the two of you coming home. Is there a moment on that back nine where you think, I would love to have that again?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I think that -- I mean, if I would've given myself probably a better chance -- I hit a putt pretty good on 13; then she made birdie 14, 15, and those get kind of hard.

I hit a really good shot into 16. I was not excepting it to fly that far. Just chip shot didn't come out the way I thought. It's golf. She played fantastic.

And I mean, I was playing well. I was hitting the ball good enough I thought. I made very good up and downs. 17 hit a very bad shot that was kind of in between numbers on the last -- not on 18, but 17, 16, and 15.

So I hit decent shots, but it wasn't meant to be.

Q. Rose said in her interview she knew you were going to rise to the occasion today. What did you take from today?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Just being in this position, this is what we all trying to do. We're trying to feel these nerves. I was nervous today. I chunked a chip on 1. Just pure nerves.

I think you're not going to learn by not being here. And I mean, I played unbelievable golf this week. We're the only two that's been really low. I have to look at the positive.

It sucks now. Yeah, it hurts a bit. It hurts at this course because I really like this place. My time will come.

Q. In terms of the way you played today, where does it rank in terms of the best golf you've played in your life and what's going to come over the next several weeks and months?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Oh, no it's up there. I struck it so nicely this week. I've worked really hard for a long time. I putted incredible. It's really high up there. That's probably why it hurts more. Nothing against Rose. She played incredible.

I kind of wish I gave myself a few more chances at the end there. Didn't want it to end that way. This is probably the best golf I played in years, so I know I'm in the right direction and hoping to give myself some more chances.

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