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May 12, 2024

Nelly Korda

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Just evaluate your week out here.

NELLY KORDA: First few days were great and then a pair of 73s, 1-over on the weekend will not get you into contention.

So a little disappointing weekend, but overall, you know, played solid; finished inside the Top 10.

Q. What's this streak and this stretch of golf you've been on meant to you? I know it's been so much fun.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, gosh, hasn't even sunk in. Probably maybe now or maybe in like 10, 15 years it'll sink in. Hopefully someone beats it one day.

But just to do that with all the competition out here is super, super rewarding with how much work that I've put in. So I think to get a streak like that in any sport in general is amazing with the amount of talent that I feel like every athlete has in their sport.

Just an amazing feeling and hopefully one day it'll sink in.

Q. For you, obviously so much good stuff to build on. How much are you looking forward to the rest of the year? Just got goosebumps thinking about the things you're going to have going on the rest of the season.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, so much exciting stuff. Super excited to play Liberty next week and then we have some really amazing golf courses lined up for some of majors.

Evian is a beautiful place to go.

You play at St Andrews, so much rich history.

I've never been to Lancaster, but super excited about that one because I feel like the crowds are going to be unbelievable just because the whole town will probably get behind the event.

And then Sahalee I heard is an amazing track.

Not just that. Hopefully with Olympics and Solheim, qualifying for that, that would be amazing, too. It's a big year.

And I'm not going to get too ahead of myself, but there is a lot of exciting stuff lined up.

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