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May 12, 2024

Gabriela Ruffels

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Take us through a great week. Some ups and downs and different moments. How was it for you?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, really good week. Finishing third is obviously my best result yet. I had a tied third at PV, so, yeah, this is definitely my best result.

Kind of an up-and-down week. That golf course is -- it's kind of like that. Other than Rose and Madelene, everyone was kind of under 10-under. So there were a lot of bogeys out there and a lot of birdies as well.

Yeah, just had to hang tough mentally, and I was proud of myself that I did that.

Q. A week like this, what kind of notes can you take to the next tournament? What things have you learned this week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, learned so much. I guess like a few things with my swing that I'm, working on. I feel like I'm making strides with that with my coach. Just mentally on a golf course like this, just trying to hang tough and just seeing where at that puts you.

Q. So starting the conversations about the Olympics. We still have two months maybe, but everybody is thinking about it. How much do you look forward to it? What would it mean for you to repeat Australia in the Olympics?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: It would mean the world, but it's still kind of a long shot. I would have to be top 15 in the world because Minjee and Hannah are Top 10 at the moment. Australia is a pretty strong country, and it's cool to see. I've looked up to these girls.

But, yeah, I mean, hopefully one day. If not this year, hopefully another year.

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