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May 12, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Ronni Yin after her final round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just take us through the week. Started off couple rounds in the 70s but really picked it up with back-to-back 68s. Take us through the week.

RUONING YIN: The week has been pretty good in the last two days. I felt like the golf is such an interesting sport, so sometimes you just need one click and everything comes together. So it's pretty fun to play last couple days and just play my game. It's pretty good.

Q. Was there anything that maybe switched after the first and second rounds? Only two bogeys through both of those rounds and a multitude of birdies. Was there something that clicked or switched or a change of strategy after the second round?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, because I don't feel good about my swing in the first two rounds. My driver was off and I think I only have six fairways those days, six, seven. Anyway, pretty low.

And then I just don't feel good about my swing. Just don't have much confidence about hitting shots. But after second round I go to the range just to figure it out something.

Yeah, I did it. I did good. I did great.

Q. What do you like about this golf course? What were some of the challenges you saw out there?

RUONING YIN: This course, first, fairways really narrow, and I think they have some huge trees beside the fairway, so that makes the vision more narrow.

And I think last year the green was pretty firm, which is make this course more difficult. But this year we have so many rains and just make the greens softer and easier to hit approach shot.

I think this course is quite far as well, and I have 6-iron, 5-iron hit into the second shot a lot of holes.

So I think the rain definitely helped the ball to stop. And, yeah.

Q. We're almost at the halfway point in the season so far. Just one Top 10 finish already; looking like another one. How does the game feel and what are some things you are working on?

RUONING YIN: So I think right after Arizona I back to Florida, chat with my coach, and we made a little like tiny, tiny change about my grip. It's getting a little bit stronger and can help me with -- I mean, I would say because I always miss right for my driver, and we think that's probably going to help with my missed shots.

But it didn't go well. It's not fit my natural swing, so after second round I just go back to my old grip and everything is good.

So this season I would say my ball striking wasn't that good so far, but I think I'm getting close to the point I'm happy with.

So, yeah. Let's see.

Q. Two more. Olympic year. How excited are you for the opportunity to represent China and just how much are you looking forward to that event?

RUONING YIN: Always an honor to represent your own country, and especially wearing the shirt with national flag. It just makes me exciting, and also I feel a little bit pressure to compete in that event, because I feel like if you're outside Top 3 you're kind of like missed cut.

But I will try to enjoy it because it is my first time Olympic. I will just try to enjoy it, enjoy the journey, the process, not try to not focus on the result.

Q. We are here celebrating our Founders and some of our Pioneers. Pat and Beth on the perch there on No. 18. Just speak about the importance of the Founders and Pioneers, what kind of influence they had on you growing up watching the game, particularly Shanshan.

RUONING YIN: I'm so grateful that I can play on LPGA Tour, and especially to be able to meet those Founders and talk to them. Means a lot to me. And I'm just so happy can see them to come out to tournament. Even just get to meet them is just so grateful.

Q. Maybe talk about Shanshan and what kind of influence she had on you growing up watching the game maybe.

RUONING YIN: I mean, Shanshan have a big influence for all the Chinese player I guess because she's the first one to win a major, win on tour, and reach to No. 1.

She's just kind of is like our role model, yeah.

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