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May 12, 2024

Minjee Lee

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You certainly like this property, that's for sure. We were just talking about the Aussie fans out there being very vocal following this Aussie group. Tell us about this round. What did you like and what did you feel like you could have done better out there? And tell us about that shot at 17.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I actually started pretty horrible. I was (indiscernible) after three holes and I was like, let's just get it back even. That was my first goal. And then I was like -- I was even after nine, so I had a nice back nine with three birdies.

Yeah, the 17th hole was a little bit of a highlight. Three foot birdie is always nice on that hole.

Yeah, our overall pretty solid today.

Q. What is it about this golf course? Is it the tree lines, the greens? What are the details about why you perform out here?

MINJEE LEE: I think just because it's a little more on the challenging side. It's a little tighter off the tee and you got to be pretty accurate with your irons. That really suits me and suits my eyes.

So I think that's why I really like it.

Q. You made a massive equipment haul, the entire bag plus the ball. Anybody is going to have a little bit of an adjustment period. What are at in that process?

MINJEE LEE: I think I've been work really hard and Callaway has been really great just trying to get everything where I want it to. Obviously, like you said, going be a little bit of an adjustment, but I think I'm getting closer so happy about that too.

Q. Definitely takes reps. One of the highlights here at the Founders Cup is going to the porch and honoring the Pioneers of this game. Any interactions you've had this year or years past where you're, that is what I love about the LPGA?

MINJEE LEE: I think just seeing them with such big smiles. You know, they're like, oh, well done. It feels really special coming from people who are legends. Obviously Pat and Beth are up there and couple other people. So, yeah, no, it's just really nice to see them after a good or bad round.

Q. And Pat cheering you on on that last hole. It was certainly another highlight for the day, isn't it?

MINJEE LEE: Yes, of course.

Q. She is vocal, and not quite the Aussie level of going crazy; nobody is drinking out of a shoe today. Maybe next week.

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