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May 12, 2024

Thorbjorn Olesen

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. 61 to close off the week and a course record. How do you feel about that round?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Pretty good. I haven't been able to put a good round together over here, so it was nice to finally get it going and keep it going in the end, also.

I've had good rounds and then sort of let it go in the end, and it was nice to just keep going today and shoot a really good round.

Q. When in the round did it start to feel almost effortless and things were starting to click?

THORBJORN OLESEN: I thought after 15, I thought actually there's a chance of 59 here. 16 is a good birdie chance and 17 is quite tough, but there is a chance at least. That came into my mind on 16. It was great to finish on 18 with a birdie.

Q. The thought of 59 in your head, did that change anything in your round?

THORBJORN OLESEN: No, it just made it a lot more fun. Obviously I wanted to shoot a low round, but when you have a chance for that, it's pretty special.

Yeah, it was close, but I'm very pleased with the round. A lot of good putts.

Q. Your thoughts on the Myrtle Beach Classic, a first-year tournament, the course itself and the atmosphere that surrounded the event?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, I didn't really know what to expect. Never been here before. Happily surprised. I think the golf course is great. I think there's a lot of demanding tee shots out there. Conditions have obviously been good for us this week. It's been fairly soft and stuff. But it's a great golf course. I feel like you have to be on your game from tee, and it asks a lot of questions.

Q. You were paired with the 16-year-old Blades Brown earlier in the week. Wanted to get your thoughts on his game.

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, definitely. Half my age, so that's amazing. He played great. He was really, really steady I thought. Both rounds, never got in trouble, managed his game very well, I thought especially for a 16 year old. That's impressive. Great player, and he has a big future ahead of him.

Q. Anything you tried to pass along to him from a veteran's perspective, anything like that?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Not really. We were trying to have a good time out there. I think that's what he was trying, also. Just let it happen. I think that's important. Not making it too hard for yourself. We kept it very loose, and I think that's what you need.

Q. What does a round like this for you do heading into the PGA Championship next week?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, it's nice. I haven't played that well for the last probably couple of months, so it's nice to finally see a good round or playing well all 18 holes. Hopefully I can take that confidence with me and hopefully have a good week.

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