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May 12, 2024

Blades Brown

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Haven't given you much time to reflect, but just recap what this meant has meant, making your PGA TOUR debut.

BLADES BROWN: This is the most fun I've ever had at a golf tournament, from the fans, from my play to my family being here. All in all, it's been one heck of a day, one heck of a weekend. I've never had that many people following my group before. The closest thing was the U.S. Amateur, and even that makes this look like really small.

But just the support that SportFive has given me on the sponsor exemption, and the course, Myrtle Beach Classic, this is a week I'll remember for the rest of my life.

Q. What do you think it'll be like going back to school?

BLADES BROWN: I'm definitely not looking forward to the makeup work I have to do the next four days before exams, but it's all right, I have a sister so she'll be able to help me out with some stuff. It's definitely going to feel a little different.

Q. What have you proven to yourself about your game this week?

BLADES BROWN: That I can play with these guys. That's what Jack said after the round. He said, bro, you're 16 and you're hanging with the best in the world. I said, that's pretty cool.

Q. Will this be something you kind of reassess and make future goals?

BLADES BROWN: Absolutely, yeah. I'd like to use this as a base point because golf is a game that's a process. You're not going to play perfect every time you play, but it's a learning experience every time you play. I was talking to one of the caddies, and he's like 50 something, and he said that every day he comes out here, he learns something new.

The next time I'm in this position again, I will have definitely learned from the situation.

Q. Sounds like you've been a sponge reaching out to others for advice. Is there any good advice you've received this week?

BLADES BROWN: Ben Griffin has given me so much encouragement. Just everybody. Everybody here that I've talked to, they've kind of taken me under their wing, said here's where to hit it, where not to hit it. I can't tell if that's because I'm not getting any money this week. No, but it's been awesome.

Q. Did you get a chance to meet Joel Dahmen?

BLADES BROWN: I have not yet, no.

Q. Your upcoming schedule looks a lot different than most of the guys out here. What are you expecting for the rest of the summer?

BLADES BROWN: Well, next week I have like five exams I need to take, so going to have to hard-core study these next few days. But then I have the U.S. four-ball after that with one of my friends, Jackson Herrington. That's going to be a lot of fun. Yeah, I'm excited.

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