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May 12, 2024

Jorge Campillo

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. A really good finish. Just a few comments on the week.

JORGE CAMPILLO: Yeah, actually was a tough day today in the afternoon. Was quite windy and the golf course was playing a lot firmer. I played okay. I made a few good saves in the first few holes, and on the back nine I played just solid. I didn't hit it very close really besides 15 and 16.

Just disappointed about the last bogey. It was an easier bunker shot than I expect when I hit it there, but it was a poor shot, and luckily I make bogey only. It was a good tournament overall, just disappointment with the finish.

Q. What did you see in that putt on 12 for birdie there?

JORGE CAMPILLO: I don't know, I know it was right to left, but I think probably it was the longest putt I've made on the PGA TOUR so far. I say, sit, sit, sit, but I thought it was the perfect spot and the ball started turning, and it was perfect, went in. Lucky.

Q. Do you go home after this?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Yeah, I'm not sure because I don't think I'll get into Colonial. This top 10 doesn't get me there. I thought it did. So I have to think. You're not kind of just coming here for one week; I don't know if I'll do it. If not, I'll probably come for the ones in the Midwest. That's what I like anyways, the Midwest.

Q. Do you really? Why?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Well, I went to Indiana, so I'm used to Michigan, Illinois. That's my kind of part of the U.S., so that's what I like.

Q. The 16-year-old Blades Brown, he made the cut and went 10-under this week. How impressive is that?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Very impressive. I read that about it. I never played a pro tournament until I was 23, so to be able to play one at 16 years old and play well out here is very positive. Hopefully he can go to college and improve and be here in a few years.

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