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May 12, 2024

Chris Gotterup

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

TV Quick Quotes

Q. It was an emotional roller coaster out there. Take us through those emotions, especially when you made the putt at 18.

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, really just once I hit that drive, I hadn't hit this fairway I felt like all week, and I hit my best drive of the week, and just great to finish it off in style.

Q. How special is it to have your mom Kate, your dad, your brother out here on Mother's Day?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Well, I saved my ass because I ordered some flowers and they didn't come. They're not supposed to come until tomorrow, so I gave her at least something today. But it's awesome. They came down this morning, and after the first two holes they were probably a little iffy, but yeah, just a great day.

Q. Take us through the first few holes. Was there ever a point where you felt like, I've got control of this?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: No. But I mean, I felt good, like better than I thought I would feel coming out of the gates even though I made two bogeys. Kind of a crappy putt on the first hole and a really tough two-putt on the next. Then to bounce back the way I did, it's just kind of how I roll. If I'm going to make a bogey, I'm going to get my head screwed back on straight, at least attempt to, and then bounce back.

Q. Your dad said you kind of have that Seve mentality and the putter saved you all week long. Is that the mentality you take when you come into a tournament like this one when maybe the driver is not working?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: No matter what tournament or what my game feels like, I'm going to grind it out. That's kind of how I've always been. Yeah, this week it just happened to be the driver wasn't working great, but my short game really saved me, getting up-and-down from some spots that you probably shouldn't get up-and-down from.

But I felt like I had a really good game plan all week, and yeah, I just played my game.

Q. Looks like the schedule is going to change and you're going to the PGA next week. Good luck.


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