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May 11, 2024

Nelly Korda

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here now with Nelly Korda after her third round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just kind of evaluate the round for us.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's just kind of poor in all aspects. Yesterday was good in everything and today was poor in everything, so that's just pretty much golf for you.

Yeah, just made too many kind of stupid, silly mistakes, which was unfortunate because they were playing so well. So now there is just a massive gap.

Q. For you, how do you mentally give yourself some grace when it's not working for you out there?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think I've played really good golf the past couple months. I'm human, so I'm going to have bad days. I'm not going to feel 100% out here mentally, physically, or whatever, but I'm going to give it my all.

It was just one of those days where it felt like a constant battle and didn't really play too well, but I fought until the end.

Q. You did. How proud are you of your ability to keep the train on the tracks and get it back to 1-over and give yourself something?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, you know, I'm still -- I'm far away but still in it in a sense.

Just going to try and shoot my shot tomorrow and see how it goes. Yeah, you're going to have bad days, so I'm human, and at the end of the day now I have something to go and work on, too.

Q. With that in mind, being that far back, do you change the game plan at all or still very methodical, plot your way around?

NELLY KORDA: You have to be methodical and plot your way around. If you're not playing well out here, it just feels like everything is tumbling down, especially off the tee.

So definitely have to be methodical and see if it's your day.

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