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May 11, 2024

Sei Young Kim

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, joined by Sei Young Kim after her third round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just kind of take us through the round, especially that front nine; four birdies. What was working so well?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, today is better weather because we got lot of rain yesterday and then feel like very freezing, my hands very freezing. Yeah, I had like hand warmer. It was help.

And then, yeah, starting yesterday I play better, and then I made a lot of putt today. Make a lot of birdie so I was able to -- yeah, I mean, greens are really soft, softer than the first round, so I played more attack the pin today. Yeah, it's fun.

Q. What is about hole No. 12 that you really like? Birdied, eagle, birdied it. What is it about that hole that maybe suits your game or that you like?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I mean, that hole is kind of really -- I need to really focus on the tee shot, because if you keep the fairway, yeah, you can make the birdie; you have a chance.

But if you miss the fairway, yeah, you have to layup and then, yeah, it's tough to make the birdie.

But I had pretty good tee shot from the, yeah, hole 12. I made an eagle yesterday and starting good vibe, and make the birdie, birdie, birdie. Yeah, I like that hole.

Q. Aon hole, so...

Started off 72 on your first round and have gotten better and better as you've played this course. What is it about this course that you're figuring out that has allowed you to be so successful?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Took off the week last week. I was think about it, about this course. This is course is really need good tee shot, so, yeah, when I practice I practice for the tee shot, and then kind of imagine, practice.

Yeah, it helps. I don't play too much distance because when I tee shot I just want to keep the fairway. That's my -- what I strategy this week.

So, yeah, and then I hopefully good weather tomorrow. Depend the weather, green speed different so going to be different result, yeah.

Q. A lot of top 20 finishes this year; couple of Top 10s, specifically T3. What's working well in your game and what are some things you're still looking to work at?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Especially this year when the off-season I practice more than last couple years ago because I really wanted to win -- I waiting for the win this year, so, yeah.

As soon as possible I just -- yeah, that's my goal. So keep the working hard, yeah, and then focus on it, yeah.

Q. Just two more from me: Here obviously at the Founders Cup celebrating the Pioneers and the Founders of the LPGA Tour. What do those women mean to you as someone who grew up playing the game and specifically Pat Bradley and Beth Daniel are here, but maybe Seri or Inbee, what have they meant as you grew up watching the game?

SEI YOUNG KIM: It's means a lot. When I putting on hole 18 there is Founders sitting there, so I'm very honored to play front of them.

Yeah, when I grew up I watching the TV when Seri Pak and Inbee Park, when they play. They like got me good motivation and then I dream, so, yeah, it's -- I'm very respect them and then honored to play with them.

Q. Last one: What's the mindset heading into tomorrow?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Same as today. Just keep doing it, what I practice it, and then I just keep doing it. Every each shot I focus on it. Yeah, just do my best tomorrow.

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