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May 11, 2024

Gabriela Ruffels

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Gabi Ruffels after her third round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just what was working so well for you today, especially that cluster on the front, 2, 3, 4? One bogey on the scorecard. What was working so well?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I was hitting it pretty good. Out here I feel like you have to hit a lot of fairways and greens. Started off really good from hole No. 1 and it showed. I had three birdies in my first four holes and then made a couple really good putts.

My putting speed was really good today, which helped.

Q. What do you like about this course? What were you able to take advantage of? A lot of people said it's a very challenging course. What are you still trying to maneuver as we head into Sunday?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I do think it's a challenging course. It's kind of funky course in that there are some gettable holes for sure, like a lt of the Par-5s are quite reachable.

But then some really challenging holes, like 3 or 16 where you have to hit a really good drive and really good long iron in.

I feel like it kind of favors a good ball-striker and I feel like that's definitely one of my strengths. This week I've been putting it really good, so hopefully can continue that tomorrow.

Q. Sitting solo third right now. Great spot to be in contention today. What's the mindset heading into tomorrow?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Just doing the same things I've been doing the first three days. Just keeping steady, see how many fairways and greens I can hit, try and play boring golf out here.

This is a really tricky golf course. I feel like it kind of favors the steady, so just kind of keep going with the same thing I've been doing.

Q. Just lost count of it, but seventh or eighth start in your rookie season. How do you feel? Are you a little more comfortable out here? How does it feel starting this week compared to DriveOn earlier this year?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it's gone by so fast. I can't believe it's May already. I've enjoyed it so much. I'm learning so much every start I get.

You know, I was definitely nervous at the start of the year in Bradenton. I feel like I've had starts out here, but that was I guess the first one as a member. It's definitely different.

You know, I was able to kind of get off to kind of a good start and get the momentum rolling in China. Had a good finish there and a good finish in PV, and then a couple good weeks in Phoenix and Vegas.

I definitely feel like I'm learning so much and I feel like I'm improving. Definitely feeling more comfortable out here.

Q. How much of your experience on the Epson Tour last year and getting to double dip your toes into a couple starts last year, how much of that prepared you for this year?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: For sure. I feel like there is no better practice than competition. I say this all the time, but the Epson Tour was absolutely great competition and the field is so strong and the girls are so strong.

Last year taught me so much. Grateful for that year last year, going back on the Epson Tour and really trying to prove myself out there. I learned so much. Learned how to win on a professional level, which I had never done before.

Yeah, hopefully I can take those learning things and transfer them out here.

Q. Obviously we're here at the Founders Cup, celebrating our pioneers Pat Bradley, Beth Daniel. What have they meant to you as someone who grew up watching the game, playing the game? And maybe even speak to Karrie a little bit as well and the Founders. What do they all mean to you?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: For sure. This is a really cool event. They paved the way for us. It's really cool to see what they've done and how they're helping the game even now.

If it wasn't to for them we wouldn't be on the stages we are. I mean, women's golf is just elevating so, so quickly, and you can see that by all these new tournaments and sponsors and the increase in prize purses.

Started with them. I've got to know Beth and especially Karrie with us Australian girls. She's been such a huge mentor to all of us. We know that she's only a phone call away all the time. It's invaluable to have someone like that in your corner. Yeah, I think I speak on behalf of all of us LPGA golfers, we are so grateful for them.

Q. You and I just got done chatting with a very familiar face to you, Rennae Stubbs. How awesome is it to have her out here supporting you and the other Aussies?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, anyone that knows her, she's a very bubbly, outgoing person, and it's great to have that out here.

She first came and watched me at the KPMG last year, and she was out all four days from hole 1, hole 18. She was out the there the whole time.

So it's nice she comes out and supports us, and obviously she's had a great career in tennis. I mean, more than she's a great family friend. I've known her since I was born.

It's fun when my parents are not out here to have a support system like that.

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