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May 11, 2024

Robert McIntyre

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Taking it back to the beginning of your third round, what was the mindset of bouncing back after opening up with a bogey?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Actually I didn't hit bad shots at the first actually. I hit a decent tee shot, just the bounce in the rough kicked it right and underneath a tree. Difficult shot from there.

But I made one bogey the first round. I made one bogey the second round. When I bogeyed the first, walking to the second tee, I said to Scott, that's my one bogey gone, and I only had one bogey. I just had to stay patient. I knew there was going to be lots of chances. It's just about giving yourself as many as you can.

Obviously a little bit behind, but there's another day to go.

Q. Kind of a quieter afternoon for most. When did momentum start to pick up in the round?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: To be honest I holed a putt on I think it was 13, the par-4, for par, a nice 10-foot putt, and when I done that, I thought, right, we need to make something happen. I hit a great 6-iron out of the rough from 230 and made birdie that way. So it was a nice one.

Q. To be playing in the final groupings on a Sunday, what past experiences are you leaning on?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Again, I'm trying to change a couple of things, and I'm just trying to stick to what I'm doing. I'm playing nicely, giving myself so many chances. Who knows what tomorrow brings. It's just go out there, stay patient, commit to every shot and accept what comes.

Q. What's a Saturday evening look for you before the final round?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: I've got some family and friends here. I've got one of my good mates from back home, as well, so I think we'll go for a nice meal tonight. I'm not sure where they'll have booked it, and we'll just go have a nice meal and chill out.

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