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May 11, 2024

Kevin Yu

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Kevin, just overall summarize the day. I know the bogey at the last, but had a good back nine going.

KEVIN YU: Yeah, it was good. It was a good round today. I hit the ball solid today, just ball-striking was it was great. Made some putts. Just trying to leave it in the right spot and not make a lot of mistakes out there. Especially putting was pretty decent today, so that helped for sure.

Q. You're second right now against the field, strokes gained off the tee. Just the driver, how you're getting off the tee, has that been working for you pretty well?

KEVIN YU: Yeah, it's been working the last few weeks. Driving has always been pretty decent. Out here if you can hit fairways, it's going to help a lot because the rough brings in certain things out there. My plan was just try to hit a lot of fairways out here, and it worked out pretty good today.

Q. Do you feel like the wind was maybe not as severe as they were expecting?

KEVIN YU: Yeah, definitely not as severe as we expected. But the wind is going everywhere. Supposed to be north, mainly north today, but it goes from like south to southwest, southeast. It's all around the place today. It's really hard to know exactly the way it's going.

But we did pretty good today. We adjusted pretty good today, yeah, with my caddie.

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