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May 11, 2024

Jorge Campillo

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Another solid round today. How would you characterize it out there?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Well, it was a good finish, great way to finish, actually, and I played all right. I missed a few three-footers out there. I hate missing those, but I guess putting has been good for the first two days. Not so good today. But again, the driving was okay and the irons were great today, so it was a good day.

Q. As of right now it seems like you're still only three back. It seemed for a minute there Chris might have been running away with it, but you're still in great position.

JORGE CAMPILLO: Yeah, definitely. Still 18 holes to go. It's never easy to win a golf tournament, and I like my chances. Obviously I have to play great. I cannot make any mistakes, and I have to keep playing like this.

Q. What was your expectation maybe coming over playing the PGA TOUR full-time this year? Was it a matter of, hey, let's go out and keep the card for next year? What were your expectations?

JORGE CAMPILLO: I just come here and enjoy the experience really, have fun. Really didn't think about anything else. I never think about keeping my card, winning tournaments, nothing. Just try to enjoy the experience, and so far, so good.

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