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May 11, 2024

Anna Nordqvist

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here now with Anna Nordqvist after her third round here at Cognizant Founders Cup. Bogey-free round. Just what was working so well for you today?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I mean, I feel like I've been hitting it solid all week. Been burning a lot of edges. Didn't get off to the best start with couple three-putts on my front nine on Thursday, but battled back.

Today I played really well. Honestly I really didn't hole anything. I had so many putts on the lips. But I had quite a few close ones to make some easy birdies.

Yeah, really happy with a 67. Just feel like I've been very close to making a lot of the putts this week.

Q. What do you like about this course? Everyone has said it's a challenging course. What kind of challenges does it present for you and what are you able to take advantage of?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, definitely helps hitting off the fairways. Greens are so much softer. This year in general it's playing a lot softer.

I think it's more fun when it's playing firmer because it's really tougher and you really have to place your shots. Now you can fire at some pins.

But in general, if you are just a little bit off you might not have an angle and that rough can get really thick in spots.

Q. About almost halfway through the season. Just what does the game feel like? Couple top 20 finishes. What's been feeling good and what are you still trying to figure the kinks out on?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I feel like I've been playing pretty solid this year. Putting is something I've been working really hard on. I feel like that's been the biggest difference.

But in general, I'm still working through some health issues and just trying to get back to not even 100%; I would be happy with 80%.

But, yeah, just trying to do the best I can and just trying to put one foot in front of the other. I feel like a lot of pieces are falling into place, but it's been a lot of hard work to get there.

I'm just going to need a little bit more time. I'm excited in the direction everything is heading. It's just nice to be out here with my friends playing.

Q. Yeah. Last one: Olympic year; another Solheim Cup year. How much are you looking forward to those two events to hopefully represent -- will represent Europe in the Solheim Cup -- but hopefully represent Sweden, too?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, Solheim Cup is always one of my favorite things, and being playing vice captain again this year is something I really look forward to and really want to do.

I'm very passionate about the event and it just really fires me up. We have a lot of good Swedes playing well. Madelene is playing well this week; Maja has been killing it lately, a lot of second-place finishes. Kind of jumped ahead a little bit in the rankings.

So it's really nothing I can control. I'm just trying to do the best I can. It would be great to play the Olympics, but I have a little bit of ways to go. Right now, my focus is elsewhere and I'm just trying to work on myself and find full strength again.

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