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May 11, 2024

Wichanee Meechai

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here now with Wichanee Meechai after her third round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Fantastic round. Just take us through it, especially the eagle you had on the back.

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Just normal. Just hit it in the fairway. They just move the tee box a little bit like closer to the green; then I have hybrid, which is -- I love the hybrid and I hit it pretty good. Just made the putt.

My caddie, before we putted he said, you can make this. So I feel like I have a lot more support and I maked it, yeah.

Q. How would you summarize your first three rounds here? Not a ton of bogeys on the card. Some tough conditions. What have you made of those course in your first three rounds?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: The first time that I saw the course I feel like you need to be patience on this course. It's narrow. The rough was long.

You just need to hit it in the fairway. So I shape a lot of shots on the tee box, which is work.

Just need to be patience. If I could make birdie I will make it, but if I couldn't I just make par and moved on.

Q. And what can a round like this do for your confidence heading into tomorrow and the rest of the year?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I'm just going to be patience with my game again and tomorrow going to be very bad conditions, but just try to put my heat pad on the back and just stay warm and just be patience, yeah.

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