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May 10, 2024

Madelene Sagstrom

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club


Q. Madelene Sagstrom with me. What a wonderful couple days of golf you played. Really enjoyed watching you on that back nine. Interesting day. How would you describe that round of golf?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I mean, it was one of those that you kind of grind it out. I started off really good. I was hitting the ball really well. Had a little controversy on 10, but I knew I was playing well, so I was trying not to let it get to my head.

I was like, okay, just drop a couple shots. There was plenty of birdie opportunities. The greens are soft, so I knew if stuck my head in there and grinded it out -- I probably in the past I tend to overthink it a little bit too much, get frustrated. Today I was like, you're hitting it good, you're playing well, you're going to make birdie. So just suck up the mistake and then go again.

Q. After that mistake you really bounced back. I've got to ask you about that second shot into 12.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Well, it looks great on TV I'm assuming, but I wasn't really planning on going that tight towards the pin. I mean, if you take enough margins and hit a good enough shot you should be good. I did just that.

I was planning to be probably five to six yards left of that pin, but it's a bonus when it happens on the right holes, so take that eagle and walk away.

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