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May 10, 2024

Pat Bradley

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Pat, it's fully deserved that you're being honored this week as a Pioneer. Pat, also a winner here at Upper Montclair back in the '80s.

But I want to talk to you about this week. Yesterday there was a lovely dinner here for yourself and Beth Daniel. What has this week been like?

PAT BRADLEY: It's been very special, Tom, I mean, to come back and be honored as a Pioneer. I'm celebrating my 50th year as a tour member. Yeah, I guess I am considered that.

To share it with Beth was wonderful; quite an honor. To watch these young women display their skills on this beautiful golf course, it's quite impressive. I've seen a lot of the great shots.

So, yeah, I'm just having a good time.

Q. You follow the game. You know what's going on. What do you think of what Nelly has been doing in recent months?

PAT BRADLEY: I think it's incredible. Bless her heart. She's really shining the way we knew she would. I know it's been tough for her probably, but now that she's inside the ropes, in her element, and she's able to really focus.

Outside the ropes is a lot of action. So I have high hopes that she's going to get her sixth. She's going to have to work hard because Rose has set the bar, but it'll be fun to watch them battle it out.

Q. You've collected a lot of memorabilia in your amazing career. You had some news earlier this week that you shared. What is that news?

PAT BRADLEY: Tom I'm so excited. The Massachusetts Golf House and Museum has accepted all my trophies and memorabilia. It will be displayed in Norton, Massachusetts, and we're doing the buildout now.

I'm just so thrilled. I have five brothers. We could have divvied it up, but they don't want to worry about my stuff. I was born and raised in Massachusetts. I met Francis Ouimet when I was 15 years old, and little did I know I would be across the hall from him at the Mass Golf.

So I'm very excited and relieved, because I didn't really know what, and to know that all of my things will last for eternity there, I'm just thrilled.

Q. One of the trophies that I'm sure will be on display is the trophy that you won snapping Nancy Lopez's win streak back in '78 when she was on a roll like Nelly Korda. Do you remember that one?

PAT BRADLEY: She's still not happy about that, Tom. Yes, I snapped her win streak at Hershey, Pennsylvania. She tells the story that she was very tired, but she was getting woo'd by her new husband.

She was looking for McDonald's Big Macs. What can you do? I played my game and ended up winning by about ten shots.

Q. Pat, it's great to have you here. So glad we got a chance to chat. Enjoy the weekend. I think it'll be a bit better weather and The players would love to see you when they come off 18?

PAT BRADLEY: Thank you. And thank you Golf Channel.

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