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May 10, 2024

Henrik Norlander

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. 67 today, you're right in it headed into the weekend. Just some overall comments on how things went out there today.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, pretty solid. I didn't play that great early, but eagled 15 and got me going, and then unfortunately hit it over the green on 8, my next to last, made bogey. Other than that, it was pretty good. Missed a few but made a few good putts. Overall pretty solid.

Q. You eagled the 15 for the second day in a row, so take us through those shots there. Had 205 and hit it to six feet.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, 209 I think maybe. Hit 6-iron and hit it perfect and landed just in the front and released out to six, seven feet and made it. It was nice.

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