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May 10, 2024

Joseph Bramlett

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just take us through some of the highlights of the day. Obviously making five in a row there around the turn was pretty key.

JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, that was the highlight right there. My game felt good. I had a nice warm-up this morning, I played well yesterday, and got into a really good rhythm about six, seven holes into the round. I just kept riding it.

Made a lot of good putts. Had a couple more that could have gone in, but all in all, a really good day.

Q. What were some of the keys during that stretch of birdies?

JOSEPH BRAMLETT: I drove it awesome today. It's been a little up and down with the driver lately, and today I just got in a really good rhythm. I had a lot of wedges in a row into greens from the fairway, and my wedge game is pretty good. I kind of just got aggressive and hit some good ones and got hot.

Q. What's been your takeaway from a new course on TOUR, most guys seeing this for the first time? What's stood out to you?

JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, it's nice. It's a fresh start. It's the first time playing in Myrtle Beach, and the golf course is really, really good. We weren't really sure what to expect. I didn't know anybody who had been here before.

We played a practice round on Monday and were really blown away by it. Yeah, it's a great new venue on the TOUR.

Q. How satisfying is this for you to be in the position you are two rounds in coming into the week having missed three straight cuts?

JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, very satisfying. It's been an emotionally challenging month or so. There's definitely been some good things in my game that I've been working on and getting better at, but missed the cut by one, two, one the last three weeks. Not playing the weekend has been really frustrating, and thankfully this week, not only did we make the weekend but we're in contention. Very nice step forward for me.

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