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May 10, 2024

Lydia Ko

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with Lydia after her second round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just talk a little bit about the conditions you saw out there today. Kind of wet and rainy.

LYDIA KO: I honestly think we got pretty lucky. When I saw the weather forecast it looked a lot crappier than what we had. It was misty most of the day but there wasn't like -- there was maybe one or two holes where it was like -- maybe our first hole today where it was coming down.

Other than that, I felt like the weather was actually not as bad as I thought and not as cold as I thought.

Q. Talk about how this course is affected by some of the rain. Yesterday mentioned about the rough.

LYDIA KO: Fairways are quite narrow, so when there is tougher conditions obviously your chances of hitting the fairways are a little bit tougher.

I think because of that and with the rough being juicy, the rain definitely makes it a lot thicker to come out. So some shots you can get really lucky and be able to hit it on the green or have a pretty easy chip shot.

Just a lot more difficult.

I think it's kind of luck-dependant when you do go in there.

Q. What can you say about staying patient on days like this?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, I think you just have to play with what you get. I feel like we've had some really difficult conditions this year. In ways it was easier than Vegas, that's for sure. And Phoenix on the third day.

Even though the golf course itself is more difficult, I think the conditions -- we've played in pretty much everything this year that I went out today and I was like, you know what? This is actually not bad.

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