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May 10, 2024

Rose Zhang

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. With Rose Zhang. I just want to start with the fact that you are the tournament leader right now. What course are you playing, because it's not Upper Montclair Country Club?

ROSE ZHANG: It is most certainly Upper Montclair Country Club. It was grueling out there. I felt like conditions were drastically different from yesterday, but I was able to really just keep myself in there and hit the shots I need to do to stabilize myself.

And was able to make some clutch par putts, which it's crucial out here to be able to -- you know, (indiscernible) a little bit.

Q. Well, you didn't make it look hard. We'll tell you that much. What is it with you and these New Jersey courses?

ROSE ZHANG: I mean, I'm lucky I have a good track record so far. I like the environment, and Jersey is always just such a fun place to come back to. It's not like I'm thinking too much about it. Just being here and (indiscernible.)

So far it's been (indiscernible.)

Q. Yeah, I would say so. You're heading into Mizuho Americas Open next week where you won last year. Did that give you any extra just I guess mojo coming into this week, just knowing that you're going into that next week?

ROSE ZHANG: I mean, yeah, it's a little crazy to think it's been a year.

Q. Yeah.

ROSE ZHANG: Next week I'm super excited to go back to Michelle's amazing tournament, as always. The course plays amazing lie. I think the overall environment with the crowds, just (indiscernible.)

Q. Yeah. So two rounds left here. What's the game plan?

ROSE ZHANG: Next two days are just going to be just as cold. You know, it's nothing really too different. Just making sure that -- staying a little bit warm prior and going out there and trying my best.

These golf courses are very difficult. Very tight right now. Going to be wet. Not really expecting too much.

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