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May 10, 2024

Rose Zhang

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Rose Zhang after her second round here at Cognizant Founders Cup. Fantastic day in some tough conditions. What went into the round?

ROSE ZHANG: Definitely. It was definitely cold out there today. Very wet conditions. It was playing very long so there were a lot more hybrids, woods into greens. Wind also picked up.

So I think overall my game plan was just to really commit to all the shots that I needed when I'm out there, and I was able to execute some, make some putts, and call it a round.

Q. Maybe a bit of a loaded question, but what's clicking right now? Is there one piece that's excelling? What is working right now for you?

ROSE ZHANG: I guess collectively overall I've gotten a little bit more confident with making sure that I'm making my putts and hitting them online with the right speeds.

That's been kind of a struggle the last couple events that I've been playing in, so it's nice to see a couple drop.

At the same time, I was able to hit some shots and really put myself in positions where I can make nose birdie opportunities.

So I think overall it's just those two that really clicked. Feeling pretty solid about my game. Next two days it's going to be still very windy, rainy conditions, and I bet the course is going to play just as long.

Q. We were kind of joking off camera yesterday, you feel like Rose again, with all the schoolwork. How much fun are you having just playing good golf and really feeling yourself again after taking that extended break?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, golf is a very humbling sport, so for me to be able to play well and feel a little bit more confident about my game and just seeing those shots, it's a lot of fun.

I think golf is not as a rewarding sport, even if you put in the hard work, but to see some of the hard work being paid off, it kind of reignites the passion I have for the game, too.

Q. Obviously proximity to college, I know the LPGA does play in these conditions quite a bit. You really can't pick your conditions in college golf. Do you think having the proximity where you have to deal with the elements helps you in those kind of conditions?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, I mean, I think -- out of all the events that I've played in so far in the year, we haven't had the best weather.

It's definitely a new challenge for me, especially back in college. You do have grueling conditions in certain areas, but at the same time, I'm playing pretty locally on the west coast.

So really seeing the new kinds of weather and conditions that are being brought upon all the players, it's a struggle bus. I think we're slowly managing and slowly getting accustomed to what that feels like.

Q. You kept the train on the tracks. Heading into the weekend obviously in a great spot, taking advantage of today. What's the mindset? What are you looking for from your game over the next 36 holes?

ROSE ZHANG: Honestly, I'm very thankful that I had these two rounds under my belt just because it was -- it's a little bit of a confidence boost to say that I have it in me to be able to shoot numbers.

Being out here, it's sometimes a little bit difficult to really feel that out, so the next two days it's really just me trying to stay as composed as possible. I'm really enjoying it and for the most part I think there is always learning curves. So no matter what happens the next two days I'm going to take it all in.

We'll see what happens, because we just have to grind it out. It's going to be colder, and I couldn't expect anything colder than this. We're going to have to transition towards that slowly. Very confident no matter what I can handle the circumstances so we'll see.

Q. Today you were walking around with the windbreaker over your shoulders. Was it that cold or was it just raw or what?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, well, it served as my blazer today. It's hard to swing with that thick of a jacket, and I was going to be cold either way, so might as well just -- I didn't want to put my arms through the sleeves.

It worked. Warmed me up a little bit right before I hit putts, before I hit shots. I guess tomorrow is going to be a little bit different. I'll have a hoodie on. We'll see.

Q. So is that going to be a Met Gala look or...

ROSE ZHANG: I think Nelly excelled a little bit there. Going to let her take it. (Smiling.)

Yeah, I mean, what she's doing is incredible, so everyone is just yearning to hear about what that's like. I'm happy she's living the life.

Q. Two quick questions: Last two holes you had I guess little par savers. How far were they and were they tricky or straight in?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, on 8 I had a good six-footer, six-, seven-footer. On 9 had like a two-and-a-half, three-footer.

Feel like especially out here you got to commit to your lines. And they were a little bit of breakers, but it also had -- both putts actually had very subtle lines, so it was just trying to I guess put my lines right on the edges of the holes and giving myself -- not giving the hole away too much.

Q. Is there something inside you that you have the lead, you're going, catch me if you can?

ROSE ZHANG: I mean, I guess so. (Laughter.) I mean, to be fair, this course plays pretty difficult, so I think to be honest I'm on the same boat as everyone else in terms of how we're supposed to play out here. Any mistakes equals possible bogeys, so you just have to I guess maintain whatever you can when you're out there and not get Tua head of yourself.

That's what I'm keeping in mind.

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