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May 9, 2024

Leona Maguire

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Leona Maguire after her first round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just take us through the day. Started with the bogey on 2 and then really picked it up from there. What kind of went into this round?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I didn't think I hit a bad drive on 2 and got like a funny bounce, went in the water. So, yeah, bogey there. Wasn't the ideal start when most people are probably picking up birdies on that hole. Just stayed really calm, really patient, and picked up a nice birdie on 3, which felt like a bonus. It's probably the hardest hole on the golf course.

So, yeah, didn't drive it as well as I would've liked to but gave myself a lot of chances with my irons into the greens and holed some nice putts early which gave me some momentum. Just kept going, yeah.

Q. Almost everyone we have brought in said this is a very challenging course. Do you share that sentiment? And what makes it so challenging?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I feel like if you drive it well it opens up a lot of chances. Once you start missing fairways it gets really difficult really fast.

Kind of surprised the scoring is as low as it is, but at the same time, if you're giving yourself those chances, the par-5s are gettable and things like that. So there will be people making eagle. It's one of those things if you play well you think it's not too bad. If you start missing a few shots it creeps up on you really fast.

Q. What does a round like this do for your confidence going forward?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, it's nice. Two weeks off, so coming in here recharged and refreshed, which is nice. Felt like the first sort of bit of the year was really condensed and really packed and a lot of travel, so nice to get sort of those two weeks of a breather to work on a few things and recharge the batteries a little bit and come in here fresh.

Q. We're obviously here at the Founders Cup celebrating Pat Bradley and Beth Daniel. What have those two meant to you and, maybe not them, but the Pioneers or the Founders themselves? What have they meant to you as someone who grew up watching the game and playing the game and kind of inspired you?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, they were the original trailblazers. We wouldn't be here without them. It's cool to hear all Pat's memorabilia is going to be in a museum for everybody to go see and the legacy will live on.

Beth, I've known Beth for a long time, from my first Junior Solheim Cup. She was captain in '09 of the big one. Yeah, they're legends of the game and it's really impressive what they've been able to do and achieve. Just even see Nancy this week, seeing Meg walking around with big smiles on their face wanting to catch up with everybody, and seeing how much joy golf has brought to them and still being willing to give back as well, it's pretty impressive.

Q. Did it kind of take away -- I am trying to figure out how I want to ask this question. Seeing them, does it lighten or the mood or loosen you up and remember, hey, like it goes on and there is life after golf, you know what I mean?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think something that I've started to realize is a lot of legends in sport are retiring right now. I mean, if you looked at Candace Parker has just announced her retirement, Meg, it dawns on you how fast this all goes by. I hope I have quite a few years still ahead of me.

You have to enjoy it while you're in it, while you're playing. These are incredible moments getting to travel the world with your friends playing golf for a living. It's a pretty special thing that we get to do.

Yeah, we might as well make the most of it while we can.

Q. What will you take away from this round and capitalize tomorrow and hopefully into the weekend?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think you just to keep hitting really good quality golf shots and staying really patient. Obviously the weather is a little bit unpredictable for the nest few days. Bit of a Irish weather maybe in store. Hopefully not too Irish. But I think we're going to get a little wet tomorrow morning, so keeping the ball on the fairway and out of the rough is going to be key.

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