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May 9, 2024

Davis Thompson

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess the first round here?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I got off to a great start. Just hit the first nine greens, had great birdie looks and was able to make a few. Just kind of cruised on the back. Had to get up-and-down a few times, but it was a good start.

Q. It's the first time we're seeing this course. What are you seeing out there score-wise?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Actually I played a college event here my sophomore year, so I was kind of familiar with it. I had kind of forgotten a few holes. But yeah, it's an interesting course because the greens are kind of like turtle backs, so sometimes if you miss -- if you short-side yourself it's okay because you're chipping back uphill, so it's not too bad. It's a good course.

Q. Did you have any remembrance of how you did in that tournament you played here?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Not really, no. I remember I played really good one round, but I don't remember how I did the other two rounds. But I try to remember the good stuff.

Q. Were you able to employ any recollections in your round today, knowledge, that sort of thing?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Not really, no. It was in 2019, I think, so it was a while back. But yeah, I was just familiar with the course. That's about it.

Q. Right now you're towards the top of the leaderboard. How are you feeling about that?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's obviously great to get off to a good start. It's a long tournament. You've just got to keep plugging, one shot at a time, one hole at a time.

Q. You had a really successful college career, amateur career. How has your transition been to pro golf and the PGA TOUR thus far?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's been kind of up and down. I was grateful to get Korn Ferry status and then play really well in 2022 and get my PGA TOUR card. I've just had a lot of different learning experiences so far. It's hard to win out here. It's hard to play well. But you've just got to keep trying to get better each and every year.

I feel like I've been more consistent this year as opposed to last year. But yeah, just trying to put it all together.

Q. You didn't have to go through a lot of the growing pains a lot of other guys would, getting on the TOUR in the second year. Has this year been a little easier for you compared to last year?

DAVIS THOMPSON: It's been more comfortable last year I'd say as far as traveling and seeing all the courses for the second time. Obviously this is a new course, but I just think that it's just been more comfortable for like a logistical standpoint as opposed to the golf because the golf you're always chasing something, trying to get better at something.

Q. When you have these secondary events, do you look at them any differently like as a bigger opportunity possibly with a lesser field, or can you even allow yourself to think like that?

DAVIS THOMPSON: No, you try not to think that way. The goal is to play well and give yourself a chance to win on Sunday in any tournament you play. Whether it's here or Charlotte, it would be the same mindset.

Q. You had a clutch putt on the 9th hole. What was going through your mind?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, just trying to put the best stroke I could on it. I felt like I got a really good read off of Sam Ryder's putt and that freed me up because I knew the read at that point and then I put a good stroke on it and I was able to make it.

Q. Any thoughts about the golf course as a first-time venue for the TOUR?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I think it's a great course. It was in great shape. I think they've definitely added a few tee boxes since I was here last. I was pleasantly surprised coming here and seeing how great the golf course is and how good a shape it's in.

Q. Along those same lines, it seems like the back nine is playing more challenging than the front. Is that something you would have seen?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Well, for me I felt like the back was playing easier, but I just kind of put myself out of position a little bit on the front. I feel like 10 and 11 you're going to have wedges and you can kind of take advantage of that. But yeah, I don't know, the back nine has two par-5s, as well. I felt like the back nine was playing a little easier. Yeah, it was a solid day.

Q. This is your fourth event in a row. Are you fatigued at all with this being the fourth consecutive week?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, definitely fatigued. I mean, I played four in a row -- obviously didn't play the Masters. This is another fourth week in a row. Eight of nine is a lot. Just trying to play well and seeing if I can play my way into the PGA, and if not it'll be a much-needed week off of rest.

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