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May 7, 2024

Minjee Lee

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, joined by Minjee Lee at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Welcome back. How does it feel to be back here at a course you've had a lot of success at?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I have a lot have good memories here, and last two years have been good to me. Hopefully have a good week this week, too.

Q. What do you remember most about your win here in '22, and then did that kind of propel you to the playoff last year and give you a little bit of an edge this year to maybe go back to win again?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, the year I won I just remember it was like super wire to wire. Like I think there was only one shot all the way up to the last hole, so that one was quite exciting and went back and forth a little bit.

So that's mostly what I can remember. I just remember the course being in great condition, as always, but just like kind of a little more bouncier. I know they've had quite a bit of rain the last couple days so the course did play a little bit softer yesterday.

I think if the weather holds off it'll be a great turnout.

Q. We joked just before we started recording that today is going to be a tease before some of the weather this weekend. How do you prepare for weather that is coming knowing we have such a beautiful day today?

MINJEE LEE: I think like over the years we've had so many times we've had a little bit of different weather come through, so it's just about being adaptable and just being able to change, get used to it when it comes.

So I always just kind of expect -- if the forecast is like that you just expect it and change your game plan the day of. It is what it is. You can't really control the weather. It's going to be the same for everyone.

Just one foot in front of the other really.

Q. This golf course, obviously we don't play a ton of this design super often. How do you adjust and get yourself ready to go for a challenging test like Upper Montclair?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I really love the test of this golf course. The rough is always a little bit thicker here and it's quite tight off the tee, so it's just a little -- I just like the character of the golf course. It's just a little bit different.

Like you said, we don't really get to play a lot of these designs, so it's just nice to come back and play a golf course like this.

Q. Won a couple years ago; playing really well here last year as well. What is it about this type of golf that really suits you?

MINJEE LEE: I think just the more challenging the better. Like I just like -- I can picture the shots a little bit better when it's a little tighter. Just I love seeing the trees, how green it is here. It's very beautiful.

Just, yeah, I just kind of like the test of it. The greens are always a little bit faster and trickier, yeah.

Q. LPGA Tour season seems like it's finally ramped up to full speed ahead now.


Q. Got a couple wins late in the year. What are the goals for the rest of the season now that we're in May and kind of a chink of the way through this calendar?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, no, it's weird how quickly it goes, already in May. Yeah, just had our first major and we have four more left in such a short chunk of time. They're going to be my big focus; obviously the Olympics as well. That's always a really big thing for me as well.

So, yeah, a lot of great events coming up, so, yeah.

Q. A lot of Aussie success. The Olympic team is going to be really strong no matter who ends up on it. How cool was it to see Hannah win a couple weeks ago when we were last out?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, it's awesome. You always root for your fellow Australians and countrymen to have good results and win. No, I'm super happy for her. Yeah, no, it's really awesome to see.

Q. Vegas, your brother got to come out and watch you and support you. How special was that knowing you both have such a crazy schedule, and will you return the favor?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, it was really nice for him to come out and watch. I actually watched him in Dallas last week, so already returned the favor.

No, it was fun. It's just a little bit different at a PGA TOUR event to an LPGA Tour event. Just different vibe, different atmosphere.

So just I actually have not been to many events other than the Masters and The Open which were two majors, so a little bit different, different vibe there. No, I really enjoyed it.

Q. What's the post-round interaction like between you two? Do you discuss the shots or are you just more there like, hey, good job?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, like between us it's a bit more like that, just encouragement, well done. Things like that, just normal brother/sister stuff. He might go into a little bit more detail about golf but I'm not as much.

Q. Pick each other's brains at all?

MINJEE LEE: Not really because we don't play the same courses. Maybe if he has a question he asks me now and again. Yeah. (Smiling.)

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