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May 5, 2024

Ben Kohles

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously a pretty tough finish there. Can you take me through that third shot on 18, what you saw? Club get under it or...

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, I mean, it was actually -- yeah, it was sitting up a little bit, but honestly hadn't seen any rough like that all week.

Yeah, just didn't hit a great shot. Just needed a little bit more umph on it. I kind of maybe deceled a little bit, but you live and you learn.

Did so many good things this week, and I'm just going to keep reminding myself of that and try to get myself back in this position.

Q. You talked yesterday about how Puerto Rico prepared you. Did you feel really the first 17 and a half holes, you feel like you played the game plan you wanted to and stayed patient?

BEN KOHLES: I did. I felt awesome out there, even on 18. Of course feeling the nerves on the back nine, but that's why we play. Keep reminding myself this is what I want to do and why I want to be here.

Yeah, really proud of myself all day. Yeah, like I said, I definitely learned a ton from Puerto Rico because I felt night and day different from that Sunday.

Q. Even with the way the ending happened --


Q. -- do you feel this is pretty encouraging moving forward?

BEN KOHLES: Extremely. Yeah, I mean, of course it stings, right? You feel like you had it right there and let it slip away.

Like I said, I'm just taking all the positives. It was an unbelievable week. I get to go back to my home state and I think I got into Quail for next week, which is pretty awesome.

If you told me I got into that beginning of the week I would definitely take it. Yeah, just going to take the positives and keep moving forward.

Q. What was your range of emotions taking the lead on 17 and then obviously had to tie it and then win it?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, my emotions were pretty much the same all day. I knew it was going to take a good round. The wind was kind of switched a little bit from what we had played all week. There was not much out there, and with the rain overnight you figured you're going to have to shoot low.

That was the kind of mindset I had. Wasn't getting ahead of myself. Yeah, obviously was nice to get on a little run there on the front nine, and then obviously feeling some nerves there at the end and made two great birdies before 18.

Like I said, just learned a lot this week and excited to keep doing that.

Q. When you're going through it on 18, are you trying to, let me slow everything down, or is it just happening so fast?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, I mean, I definitely get quick and definitely walk fast, so it's definitely important for me to try to slow down.

Yeah, I mean, honestly after that first chip I was in a pretty screwed shot this second chip. Felt like I hit a really good shot there. Yeah, feel like I hit a pretty good putt.

Lacked probably a little bit of speed and I probably needed to start it right center instead of playing it straight.

Like I said, I feel like I hit a good putt so I'm not going to hold my head on that and just take all the positives ask see what we can do next week.

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