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April 6, 2024

Eila Galitsky

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. I know you missed the cut last time here. Take us through today; what was it like to play out here at Augusta National?

EILA GALITSKY: It was awesome. Had a couple bad breaks today. Didn't feel really awesome after that. But then I looked around, I'm like, other people would kill to be here, playing here. I just have to not feel bad for myself and feel super grateful.

It was a grind out there today. I think I went to 5-over at one point, and I felt terrible. But again, I just looked around, looked at all the people smiling, all the people cheering me on, and had some more strength to get back out there, and I think I finished with three birdies after that double, and it felt good.

Q. How about this week in general, this experience of being here at the Augusta National Women's Amateur? What stands out to you as you look back on the week?

EILA GALITSKY: Definitely knowing that there's so much more room for growth in my game, knowing that I can definitely compete in this tournament. I have to just take the experiences I got this week, go back and prove myself and come back again next year and hopefully do better.

Q. You mentioned growth. From last year when we saw you to this year, how have you grown as a golfer?

EILA GALITSKY: There's so many aspects. I think I've grown in general as a person, too. I think I'm a bit more mature. I think I take better risks on the golf course. I mean, maybe not today, but in general, generally, I think I'm just thinking more like a professional than I was last year.

Q. We have to ask about your playing partner today, Bailey, who went 6-under. What did you see from her? She had quite a round today here.

EILA GALITSKY: Oh, yeah, she was awesome. She didn't have a bogey, I think. She was bogey-free today. A couple of drives I was like, there's no way she can par this hole, and she did. It was incredible to watch.

16, I don't know if you saw, she gave I think everybody a little heart attack there taking it right at the pin. Usually people go right.

But it was her day today. I'm really happy to see that, and I really hope she can do it.

Q. Did you exchange any words with her after you guys finished on 18?

EILA GALITSKY: Yeah, I was so amazed how she played Augusta National. I think she was 6-under par. That's pretty wild. She's really, really good. I'm rooting for her.

Q. Can you talk about that moment on 16 after yours looked like it was going to go in? I don't think she meant to take that line. What were you talking about walking off that tee?

EILA GALITSKY: I just said, there's a better line to take, and she was like, I know, I didn't try to do that. I mean, it worked out for her, and it worked out for me. So I guess golf is not a one-way -- there's many ways to play that hole.

Q. You're focused on what you're doing, but you talked about she hit a few drives you were amazed she made par. Give us a hole --

EILA GALITSKY: Probably 7, the par-5. She pushed it into the bunker. Then it was really steep -- on 8, sorry. It was a really steep bunker, and she pitched it out. Then she hit I would say a really good wood up there and an incredible lag putt to just give herself I think a four-footer for par, and it was incredible.

Q. You've had a chance to play all over the world. How does this rank with the amateur and team amateur events that you've had a chance to play in?

EILA GALITSKY: Definitely the most people I've played in front of. The most prestigious event. The most prestigious golf course. I think this is probably one of the best experiences I've been a part of.

Q. When you play this golf course do you feel the traditions?

EILA GALITSKY: Of course. I can kind of remember a lot of the shots here watching it on TV, Tiger on 16. It's incredible just to be walking on the same hole, let alone be playing the same hole as they did.

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