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February 25, 2024
Hampton, Georgia
Pit Lane Interview
Q. Ryan, anything that you could have done differently there right at the finish line?
RYAN BLANEY: Not at the finish line. I thought I laid back enough in 1 and 2 to not let both lanes get that big of a run. I did that like the three laps before the end and I was able to manage it kind of fairly well, and they just got both lanes shoving super hard. I just chose the bottom, and it was the safest place to be.
What a cool finish. Appreciate the fans for sticking around. That's a lot of fun. That's always a good time when we can do that, race clean, three-wide finish to the end.
Happy for Daniel. That was cool to see. Fun racing with Kyle. I can't complain; I've won them by very, very little, too, so I can't complain too much when I lose them by that much.
Proud of the Bodyarmor Zero Sugar car. The Ford Mustang was fast. Close.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
