December 3, 2023
Mobile, Alabama, USA
Magnolia Grove
Quick Quotes
Q. All right, we're here after the third round of Q-Series. Solid bogey-free round today. What do you think worked well for you today?
MAO SAIGO: Yeah, I hit my iron shot is the best one today.
Q. And was putting or fairways also, did you hit a lot of those?
Q. And then you got here based on your world ranking. How would you describe your season so far?
MAO SAIGO: Yeah, I won the tournament in JLPGA Tour and kind of get the confidence boost and get in here, so I'm just feeling good and confidence.
Q. What are you looking forward to the rest of the next few days and especially tomorrow after playing so well today?
MAO SAIGO: I just need to do all the best I could do. I just put everything I could, and just do my best.
Q. And anything in particular you did yesterday to take a break in between?
MAO SAIGO: Yeah, so I went out to eat lunch with my group, and then went to the mall and kind of shop around.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
