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October 6, 2023

Alena Sharp

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

LPGA International, Jones Course

Quick Quotes

Q. Great playing today, as we already talked about. Obviously it's the second round. We talked before the tournament started just about kind of staying calm, maybe not getting in your head too much. Do you think you're doing a good job with that so far?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I think so. I left a lot of putts on the edge today, so like yesterday they went in, today they didn't, but I'm happy with how I hit it. I gave myself a lot of good birdie opportunities and drove it well for the most part.

I think this week is all about making putts. It's not that windy and the course is a little soft, so you can attack flags, and you've got to make putts to win this one.

Just rest up for the weekend.

Q. Is that ever hard? Obviously this is at the end of a long season, and there can be a lot on the line. Is that hard to kind of stay dialed in and not get tired?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, and we're five weeks in a row this week, so yeah, rest is really important. Really trying to just make -- for me, I don't want to think about, oh, I've got to make this putt. I just want to roll it on my line and give myself a chance to make it. When I get into the results too much, I don't make good strokes, and then I react. So yeah, definitely just trying to stay in the moment, like I said yesterday and the other day with you.

Two more days; it's a marathon this week, so just got to stay in there until the end and hopefully have a chance with nine holes to go.

Q. Is there a certain mindset that you're going in with tomorrow?

ALENA SHARP: Not really, just the same thing. Attack when I can, when I'm in good position. I'm going to go hit a few balls just to straighten out my 9, pitching wedge and gap wedge because I have a lot of those, so would like to get it closer to the hole. I feel like that's what needs to be done for the weekend to have a chance. That's what I'm going to work on and then get some rest.

Q. Do you have any plans, maybe go get some good food and go to sleep?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I feel like tonight is a seafood night. We're right by the water so go relax, maybe walk on the beach this afternoon. Got to do laundry, so the little things that need to be done throughout a week.

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