August 16, 2023
Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, USA
Cherry Hills Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. It was kind of a battle of teenagers out there. What was it like?
BOWEN MAUSS: It was really fun. It was a back-and-forth match, super competitive.
Q. What did you think you did really well today?
BOWEN MAUSS: I putted really well. My speed was super good all day. I had a couple really good lag putts coming down the stretch.
Q. What did you do on the back nine that you kind of took control of the match?
BOWEN MAUSS: I just started -- we both didn't hit it great on the front, and then I just started hitting middle of the greens and making pars on the tougher holes, which got me to win a couple holes, which was good.
Q. Then I think you had a birdie on 13 to go 2-up?
Q. Tell me how you did that.
BOWEN MAUSS: I actually hit driver and then I wedged it to like 20 feet and then I had two putts to win, just lagged it down there, and it happened to go in.
Q. What's it feel like to win your first match play in a USGA championship?
BOWEN MAUSS: Feels really good. I didn't think I'd be here this week.
Q. Did you know the caliber of player you were playing today and what he did last year in this championship?
BOWEN MAUSS: Yeah, I know him decently well. I met him a couple weeks ago at another tournament. We went and watched like the whole back nine of the leaders because we came in earlier. Super nice kid. He's a really good player.
Q. What's this do to your confidence to beat an opponent of that caliber?
BOWEN MAUSS: Definitely boosts my confidence to know that I can play with a lot of the really good players out here. It boosts my confidence for sure.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
