August 5, 2023
White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, USA
The Old White
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: Let's welcome Matt Wolff from Smash GC and David Puig from Torque GC. You guys are playing incredible golf out there. We'll start with you, David. Tell us a little bit about your day.
DAVID PUIG: Yeah, I mean, everything went pretty good. Been hitting the ball pretty good and putting also very good.
Yeah, there's no secret, just hitting fairways and greens and making some putts.
MATT WOLFF: Yeah, I had a lot of fun out there. I felt like it was a really good group. This is the first time that we were paired together. We're friends and stuff, and it was cool to be out there.
Felt like today I hit the ball good. Putts weren't dropping on a couple holes that I probably should have taken advantage of. But really happy with where I'm at, and I can't be complaining with sharing the second-round lead.
THE MODERATOR: Tomorrow obviously we're starting at 9:00 a.m., some rain coming in the afternoon. Are you going to approach the course differently tomorrow or just get out there and do the same thing?
DAVID PUIG: I will be doing the same thing. Obviously I'll wake up a little earlier than these days, but yeah, besides that, I mean, I think the course is going to play pretty much the same, even though we tee off in the morning. Just keep doing the same thing.
MATT WOLFF: Yeah, kind of the same answer. Just go out there and play your game. I think that's all you can really control.
It might be a little bit more wet on the ground and stuff, but I feel like we're in a good spot and we're playing well, or at least I am. I'm sure he is, too.
Q. You guys said you're friends and are going to be in the final group tomorrow battling it out. What's the dynamic like on a Sunday when you guys are both trying to win the golf tournament? Are you guys laughing, having fun together, or are you guys laser focused on your own personal games?
DAVID PUIG: Yeah, we're having fun. I don't smile much, or at least that's what they say. But yeah, I'm having a lot of fun.
Haro is also a good guy, so as he said, we got a very good group today. Caddies are also very good people.
Yeah, hopefully we have -- I know it's us two. I don't know who the third --
Q. I think Richard Bland will be with your group.
DAVID PUIG: Richard Bland, yeah, we'll have a great group and we're for sure going to have fun.
MATT WOLFF: Absolutely. It was a good time today. Like I said, it was the first time we played together. It was cool to see different personalities and how they are on the golf course and stuff, but I smile a lot and stuff -- I guess when I'm going well. Trying to fix that.
But yeah, everything is good. I'm excited to play with him tomorrow. I'm excited to be tied for the lead. I'm going to go out there and give it my all, and we'll see what happens.
Q. Torque is in the lead yet again; you guys could be looking down your fourth team win. How important is it to go out and play for your team now that you're leading your first golf tournament at LIV?
DAVID PUIG: Yeah, it's very important. I think we're a good group of guys, and we work very hard, and we deserve to be in the first spot. Seb and Mito, I think they had awesome rounds together. Joaco didn't have his best, but he's still the defending champ, and he's going to play good tomorrow for sure, so yeah, looking forward to that.
MATT WOLFF: I just want to say my agent Bud Martin did come out and follow me for a few holes today, so kudos to him.
Q. Did he take you out to dinner last night?
Q. Where did you guys go?
MATT WOLFF: The steakhouse.
Q. Did he pick up the bill?
MATT WOLFF: Of course. He's the best guy.
Q. You guys are two of the youngest guys we have out here at LIV. It seemed like you were having a good time out there. Does it feel like a couple of young guys tearing up the course a little bit?
MATT WOLFF: I think so. I think it was a lot of fun. He obviously got off to a pretty hot start and was charging up the leaderboard pretty early, but I was more just steady, made a lot of pars and stuff.
Yeah, obviously I'm super happy for him. I know he works hard and it's cool to see him playing well, but I still want to beat him, no doubt. I'm sure he feels the same way.
Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun, and I'm going to give it my all, and we'll see what happens.
DAVID PUIG: Yeah, I mean, same answer. Obviously the age helps probably to enjoy more, or I don't know, have more fun maybe. I would say so. But yeah, looking forward to tomorrow, having him on the group, as well, and yeah, I'll give it all, as well.
Q. You're looking obviously for your first pro win. You don't seem to ever get nervous, or if you do you don't show it. Do you feel like you might have a little bit of nerves tomorrow?
DAVID PUIG: Yeah, I get nervous all the time, but I think it's a good thing to have nerves if you can control them because that means you care. Yeah, looking forward to having nerves tomorrow, and hopefully take good care of them, and yeah, I'll try obviously to win my first pro event, and if it doesn't happen, I'll know I'll give it all.
Q. Matt, you're obviously looking for your first win since '19. Do you feel like you're kind of in that same form or groove that you had four years ago?
MATT WOLFF: I don't know. Four years ago is a long time ago. Yeah, I feel good.
I think at the end of the day -- I know we're young, but we're here for a reason. I don't really think anyone else is looking at us like, oh, we're young. I think they all know we're going to give it our best, and there's a reason we're in the lead.
At the end of the day, age is just a number. I'm just going to go out there and give it my best. Obviously I haven't won since 2019, but I've had a lot of runner-up finishes. In golf it just seems like it doesn't always happen when you want it to, but it might happen when you don't expect it.
At the end of the day, I'm sticking to what I've been working on and just really happy with where I'm at physically and mentally.
Q. Have you ever played here before, Matt? Was the Big 12s here when you were in Oklahoma City?
MATT WOLFF: Yeah, 2019.
Q. Was that your only time playing competitively before this?
MATT WOLFF: Here, yeah.
Q. How does this course suit your game? You still have to hit good shots, but what has made you take a liking to it?
MATT WOLFF: I think off the tee I like hitting a cut, and most of the holes it seems like you can start it up the left and kind of feed it back into the fairway. Most of the trouble is right.
For me, I don't have to aim in the trouble, I just can kind of aim down the left side and rip it.
It's a good hard golf course. I think that I've been on the last couple days, so I've been able to score. But I know if you get a little off, the pins are a little dicey and there's some slopes out there. But for the most part, I think there's a lot of people taking it deep and stuff. I'm sure that no one is going to lay down tomorrow, so I'm guessing I'm going to have to go out and make some birdies.
Q. David, had you played here before this week?
DAVID PUIG: No, it's the first time. But played with Torque a couple practice rounds and getting to know the course with Joaco and Mito and Sebastian, they all played here, it was for sure a help.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
