July 9, 2023
Pebble Beach, California, USA
Pebble Beach Golf Links
Flash Interview
Q. We're here with In Gee Chun, 3-over 75 today. Can you just talk us through the whole week and what it was like to be here at Pebble Beach?
IN GEE CHUN: I think I was so excited to play at Pebble this week. Still, it was great to have LPGA at U.S. Open for ladies, have the tournament at Pebble. I really appreciate to who organized the tournament here.
Absolutely it felt great. I have the best memory of my life, so I appreciate to everyone.
Q. You had a hole-in-one today; how exciting was that, and can you talk us through that?
IN GEE CHUN: Absolutely, it was so exciting to make a hole-in-one. Even I had a double bogey yesterday on that hole, so my caddie and I talked, oh, it was a good bounce-back today.
It was great, and I was so happy to like showing something to all my fans out here, because still I couldn't make the good result, but still they are excited to watch a hole-in-one. I always appreciated to who follow my game and cheer me.
Q. How many hole-in-ones have you had in competition?
IN GEE CHUN: It was my seventh hole-in-one in my life.
Q. Next year's U.S. Women's Open is at Lancaster, a very special place to you. How excited are you to go back there?
IN GEE CHUN: I think everyone is so excited to go back to Lancaster. They changed a lot the course. They took a lot of trees. They made a lot of bunkers. They build a new putting greens and like new pro shop. Lancaster community, they are so happy to have back the U.S. Open there.
I can't wait.
Q. After your win you established your foundation in Lancaster. What does the community mean to you, and how excited are you to be back there in that role?
IN GEE CHUN: When I won the 2015 U.S. Women's Open, it was my first tournament in the U.S., then when I played during the tournament it was so like surprised because they already know my nickname Dumbo and they called me like, let's go, Dumbo.
It was a great memory, so after I won there, I wanted to do something to give back to the community.
That's how it start the foundation there. Then we like decide to make the In Gee Chun Lancaster Country Club Educational Foundation, so we help to the caddies and employees and their dependents. It feel very honored and feel great to see the foundation growing every year.
I hope I can play well and help more the people in Lancaster. I think I'm a really lucky person because all the board members, they help the foundation a lot, and for sure Lancaster community.
I can't explain for everything, but I'm always very happy and I feel really I'm a lucky person.
Q. What club did you use for the hole-in-one?
IN GEE CHUN: 8-iron.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
