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July 6, 2023

Jeongeun Lee6

Pebble Beach, California, USA

Pebble Beach Golf Links

Flash Interview

Q. We're here with Jeongeun Lee6, 2-under 70. Can you talk us through your round today?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I'm very satisfied with my results today. I made a lot of birdies, but I missed a lot of greens, so I'm going to focus keep on the greens tomorrow, and then I have three more days, so I'm going to focus on my game.

Q. How special is it to be here at Pebble Beach?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I'm really happy to play this course. I heard from a lot of people this course is amazing and beautiful. It's a huge honor to play here and even for the U.S. Open, so I'm very enjoying right now.

Q. What's your plan for tomorrow to come out and play as well as you did today?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Just second shot, I want to focus keep on the green. The greens are very tiny and small, so that's very important.

I want to make just birdie chance, so I want to play just safely.

Q. Can you tell us about your round and your reaction to it?

JEONGEUN LEE6: I'm satisfied with today's performance but I did also miss some shots, the green shots, and I do need to focus on accuracy, but I still have three rounds left, and I don't know what the weather will be like, but I'll work very hard on shots.

Q. What did you think about the conditions out there today, and how will you adjust your strategy in the coming days?

JEONGEUN LEE6: The course conditions were excellent, and in terms of weather, the wind was not as strong as I anticipated, so it was very comfortable for players to play. That's why it was not as difficult as we thought.

I think that we need to wait and see the weather for tomorrow and the day after.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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