June 22, 2023
Cromwell, Connecticut, USA
TPC River Highlands
Quick Quotes
Q. When you kind of got out there, you obviously birdie your first three holes, did you feel like the course was for the taking today?
KEVIN STREELMAN: You know, I just love walking around and playing this golf course. I've seen so many birdies of my own out here, so I just have got a great history and just kind of a confidence around here, I would say.
The wind was maybe down a little bit, but the greens actually have a fair amount of bounce to them right now. They're really perfect, so I hope we don't get too much rain to mess with them.
Just kind of did what I was supposed to, hit fairways and greens. If you do that out here and you stuff some wedges, you can go low.
Q. What in particular is working well in your game?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Obviously getting off to a start like that is huge, but just hit the fairways. I always tell my wife coming off major week, any course you play sometimes is little bit easier. You know, it's like we've been trying to hit 290 yard 3-woods into small crevices and you're so challenged the week before and our games are so primed that sometimes the next week we just kind of relax a little bit, yet all our reparation is still in there.
You kind of just come out and have fun and you're rested and more relaxed and things like 65s just kind of kind of come out.
Q. Can major weeks help you the next week --
Q. -- because the game is in a great spot?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I think so. I remember back I think one of my first Masters I played in I was so nervous and prepped so hard and just like I played terrible in the tournament, but the next week in Hilton Head I almost won because my game was -- had been prepped so well and my mind was finally rested and my body had recouped and all of a sudden it just kind of came out.
That's sometimes what I feel after majors.
Q. Can you talk about I think it was hole 13.
Q. On television looked like it was out.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Oh, yeah. I assumed it was out. I stopped watching it. It was a terrible drive. Started left, went left; saw it bounce off a few railroad ties.
Hit a nice provisional, was walking to that, and then actually our camera guy was like, dude, I think your shot is in play.
I was like, cool. So I went up, had a nice window, hit a good 7-iron right into the tree limb. I was like, oh, crap, here we go again. Somehow went perfectly out in the middle of fairway, and I was like, at this point you got to get up and down for birdie.
But it was like back to back two of the better breaks I've had in professional golf.
Q. (No microphone.)
KEVIN STREELMAN: Probably two yards in. It was clearly in play. But, yeah, not expecting that after my tee shot.
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