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June 22, 2023

Morgane Metraux

Springfield, New Jersey, USA

Baltusrol Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Here with Morgane Metraux. How are you feeling after today's first round at Baltusrol.

MORGANE METRAUX: Mostly pleased. I felt like I left a few putts out there, but looking at the leaderboard, I feel like I'm in a great spot. Mostly pleased.

Q. This looks like the kind of golf course where an even-par round may be in the top 10, maybe even better than that by day's end. Do you like that kind of golf course where it's really tough to make pars?

MORGANE METRAUX: I really like courses where it's fair. If you hit the fairways and hit the greens in the right spots, you can make some birdies, but then if you hit the wrong shots, then you can make some bogeys and more.

I like when it's fair. I usually tend to like better when it's a low-scoring course, but I like the one this week, so I want to say I like this.

Q. Greens are very big out here, and there's a lot of subtlety to them. Is that frustrating to you, or did you find that you liked that?

MORGANE METRAUX: No, I liked that. I had actually some very good lag putting today. I didn't have a three-putt, which I thought was going to be a good goal for the day. I had some very long ones that almost would have gone in and I had one that actually went in. I actually like the test of having to read the whole putt from start to end and really seeing, visualizing how it goes. I do like that.

Q. I think a lot of people might walk by and see you on the driving range and think, wow, who is that person. What have you been working on, and how close do you feel like you are?

MORGANE METRAUX: I feel like I'm very close. I have been working a bit recently mostly on my short game. I feel like my chipping and putting wasn't as good as it should have been recently, so that's really what I focused on, and I feel like when that's good. It puts the pressure off the long game, and that gets better, as well.

That's really been my focus recently, and I feel like my game has been really close, and I played well last week, so that was a good confidence booster for this one.

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