June 21, 2023
Springfield, New Jersey, USA
Baltusrol Golf Club
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: Pleased to be joined by the defending champion, In Gee Chun. Welcome back to the KPMG Women's PGA Championship and here at Baltusrol. What has it been like returning to this major as its defending champion.
IN GEE CHUN: I'm so excited to be back here as the defending champion. I know it's a little bit more pressure than other tournaments, but at the same time, it's more fun. I think I'm ready to enjoy this week.
Q. We just told a story of you saying you had forgotten your credential today and you almost didn't get into the parking lot. Just explain that a little bit.
IN GEE CHUN: It was the locker room. I forgot to bring my credential card this morning. I put it in the bag last night, then my caddie has the bag. I'm trying to get into the locker room, and the security person said you can't get in there. I showed them another -- a clip, and she said, you need extra credential card.
But I'm sure I'm player, and then the other locker room person, they come out, oh, she's the defending champion, so she can get in. Come in. So she helped me to get in this morning.
Q. I was wondering your early impressions of the golf course.
IN GEE CHUN: Different course, I played yesterday and two days ago for the practice round and pro-am. The greens are super fast here. Rough is not easy, so I can tell it's absolutely a major course here.
Q. As a player, when you come to a place with such great tradition in golf, do you feel that tradition?
IN GEE CHUN: I can't tell, and then I heard a lot of history from my manager, so I feel very honored and always play a lot of historic golf courses.
Then I saw a couple members and people around here, they're so nice.
I think the members has a lot of pride. I really appreciate to have the opportunity to play at Baltusrol this week.
Q. You got to attend the Champions Dinner. We saw a really cool picture of you pointing at your name on the trophy. What was that experience like to be at that event?
IN GEE CHUN: It was good to see the trophy with my name on it because last time was just without my name. So it means a lot.
I'm just really happy to see my name on there. I want to try to lift it again.
Q. Looking at this golf course, it's a little bit different. We don't often close with two par-5s back-to-back. Can you talk through your strategy on those two holes and what you might do coming down the stretch?
IN GEE CHUN: Sure, I can remember I had before the close to setting, but I think pretty much it's the first time to play 17 and 18 going to be two par-5s. Then the last hole has a chance to the green. No. 17 is not easy par-5.
I think this week the key is to keep the fairway is really important. I think it's really fun to finish. I think everyone has a little different feel, but for sure it's fun and just always have different setting makes it more fun. Just accept what they did.
Q. You took some time away to rehab your body and I'm sure taking a mental break, as well. How are you feeling being back this week in such a big setting? Obviously you played last week, but what did last week tell you about where your game is heading into this week?
IN GEE CHUN: I didn't have good result last week, but for sure I feel much stronger right now. We're athletes so we use a lot our body, so I had inflammation on my back, so after International Crown I decided to go back to Korea and see my doctor.
I had a little bit of a break at the beginning, then I start workout and then practice, so my body feel much more strong right now. And then I started working with an individual, Adam, last week, so we're trying our best to make the best condition.
It's not my last tournament. We have a lot more tournaments, next year and then more years too, so I just keep trying to make the good condition and the body and to try and enjoy to play golf every week.
Q. When you look at the weather forecast, it looks like it's going to rain almost every day this week. Do you change your game in any way or does it put a premium on fairways?
IN GEE CHUN: I feel like when we have rain we have to change our game plan a little bit because after rains the greens are getting softer, so maybe we can try more carry and then like sometime it helps to go to the pin more.
I think already who plays in this field, they have all the -- we already had the experience before. I think everyone has a different game plan, but at the same time we can't control the weather, so just keep playing their own game plan is really important.
I'm trying to keep my game plan, as well.
Q. Are you pain-free now? And what is your daily routine for your back?
IN GEE CHUN: Still I have a little bit of inflammation on my back, so sometime after long flight I can feel it, and so I'm trying to take medicine every day.
I had it twice in a day before, but now just one time. Then the last two weeks I didn't have any pain. It just feels a little sometimes stiff and heavy, but once I play golf on the course, it's no problem.
We keep try and make stronger for core and legs and help support the back. In the morning when I wake up in the bed, I try to like stretch first and then work out with Adam and physio. I try my best.
Q. You've been really honest and open over the years about your struggles with mental health. What made you want to be open about that and share that with fans?
IN GEE CHUN: My depression is not only start like couple months ago, one year ago. It has been a long time. When I got in a very sad mood it was tough to share it because I thought I have to be perfect because I'm a little (indiscernible) for the golf.
I want to make a perfect game. At the same time everything had to be perfect. It makes me more pressure, so I couldn't enjoy to play golf.
I tried to just accept what's different right now because still it's me, that no matter what.
I wanted to share more, and at the same time, it happens. It's not just me. Everyone has their own hard time. I want to make them feel less pressure because I'm going through my hard time and then make the win at the KPMG last year, so I try to help the other players, as well, you can do it. I want to give them the message.
Hopefully someone is going through their hard time and I hope to -- I'm hoping to help the people, not only for the golfers but everyone.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
