May 23, 2023
Kiawah Island, South Carolina, USA
Kiawah Island Club (Cassique)
Quick Quotes
Q. Was that your putt?
Q. How far was the putt on 18?
TYLER GOECKE: About 15 feet. Hunter made a great putt. Probably had 30 feet, and I just had to make it obviously to win the match.
Bryce and I had a really good read on it, and I just knocked it in. Trusted it.
Q. Nerves? What was going through your head? Obviously if you miss it you guys are going down the first fairway.
TYLER GOECKE: Yeah. I mean, we were 3-up on the back nine there. They really made it a match and we didn't want to go extra. I was a little nervous, but you just got to step up. That's what you dream of.
Q. Is this your first Four-Ball together?
BRYCE HANEY: I think it's first USGA event, yeah.
TYLER GOECKE: And first Four-Ball together.
Q. What's clicked? Obviously you guys are college teammates so you know each other's games pretty well. What's been the difference this particular week?
BRYCE HANEY: We knew each other before college. We went to the same swing coach. Same swing coach kind of helped us along.
But our game's complement one another so well. In the stroke play, I'm not going pro. I work now and play as much as I can, so I try and make birdies and a few doubles and hopefully he picks me up when I have my bad holes.
Q. Who's the instructor?
BRYCE HANEY: John Wilkinson.
Q. J-O-H-N?
Q. Did you guys grow up in the same hometown?
TYLER GOECKE: Yep. About 20 minutes apart.
BRYCE HANEY: We've known each other for a while.
Q. And you graduated when?
BRYCE HANEY: 2022 I think was my masters, yeah.
Q. And you just graduated this year?
TYLER GOECKE: About a month ago, yeah.
Q. What's your immediate plan?
TYLER GOECKE: I have one more year. I got a good summer schedule lined up.
Q. So using your COVID year?
Q. Obviously there is a big prize at the end of this week. Not only winning the trophy, but getting into the Am. Has that crossed your minds at all?
TYLER GOECKE: Not really. That would be nice, but we're just trying to win. We came down here to win, so that's what we're going to do.
Q. You're two wins away. How about the conditions today? Was it more difficult playing in this wind?
BRYCE HANEY: Yeah, it's hard to make birdies when it's that windy. We made quite a few today actually.
TYLER GOECKE: Really not worried about score as much as keeping up with your opponents. If they make a three, you're trying to make a three as well.
Q. Obviously you're probably used to the course. You've played it a few times?
TYLER GOECKE: Yeah, for sure.
Q. Thoughts about playing the top seeds tomorrow. They're 29 under par this week.
BRYCE HANEY: That's all right. We beat everyone in front of us, so we'll do it again.
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