April 22, 2023
The Woodlands, Texas, USA
The Club at Carlton Woods
Quick Quotes
Q. In Gee Chun, I think today was definitely highlighted by the ace on 17. Walk me through that hole.
IN GEE CHUN: The 17th, it was amazing, because when I walked to the tee, then in my mind, oh, maybe I have a chance to make hole-in-one, but I wanted to save it for tomorrow when we have the chance for the Bentley.
But after I made it, I heard the money, I can help the people, so Chevron has picked a hole like 17 for donation for $1 million. Then I think it's more meaningful, so I think it's the best moment of my life because I really happy to help the people. Even when I bought something, expensive things, it makes me only two or three days happy, but if I help someone or if I donate money to charity, then one year later or 10 years later or 20 years later, people will keep -- they know. I think it's more meaningful.
I'm really happy to help the people today, and I really appreciative to Chevron to give me this chance today.
Q. Did you see the ball go in the hole?
IN GEE CHUN: No, the hole location was over the mound, so I just thought it carried exactly where I wanted. Then I just saw all the people's reaction around the green, and that's how I knew I made it.
Q. When exactly did you find out about the million dollars? At what point?
IN GEE CHUN: Right after I pick up the ball, then I saw the screen. I saw the number was big change, so I talked to my caddie Dean: Dean, I think I helped a lot of people because I just saw the number go really big. The number changed a lot. Then my manager Justine came to me and then she explained what's hole here, so then I got goosebumps.
Q. Did that moment and those goosebumps kind of spur you on to the birdie spree that followed?
IN GEE CHUN: Absolutely. I think the hole-in-one gave me a lot of good momentum, and after that, I really enjoyed to play my golf today more.
Q. How many hole-in-ones have you made?
IN GEE CHUN: Six. This is my sixth hole-in-one in my life.
Q. This is the second six-figure check you've received for charity over the last couple months, alongside the Velocity Global award that you received. What does it mean for you to have these opportunities?
IN GEE CHUN: My manager said you're Mrs. Charity today (laughing). Yeah, absolutely when I got the Velocity Global Impact Award was a lot of things in my life because I have a foundation at Lancaster that awards make me help more to the Lancaster community. I really appreciative to the company and the people who bought me.
You know, that time I got more feel, yeah, if I help the people, then I feel more happier than when I buy something. I really want to make the awards to make more money, and if I can help the people, I want to help them as much as I can.
Then today, I told you, I tempted for the Bentley, the car, but I think absolutely no doubt it's the more meaningful to have a hole-in-one and the money going for all the charities.
Q. I know you created your foundation in 2015. How long in your life has charity been this important to you?
IN GEE CHUN: I think when I grow up, the good people was around me, and still my coach, Won Park, kept reminding me, In Gee, if you make success, then you have to remember how you got help from other people when you grow up, so don't forget it, and he always teach me like what's the importance when people leave.
It kind remind me to appreciate people, and then when I help them, like it's more -- I think my life is getting happier. I think I'm the lucky person who's around me and then teach me the right things.
Q. Do you remember how old you were when he gave you that advice?
IN GEE CHUN: I met him when I was 17, and the time, he said, In Gee, if you want lesson from me, then I don't need just good player. You have to be a good person. So okay, then I just follow you what you say.
I think it's lucky to have good people around me, so it's a good thing to keep reminding me because when people make success, it has a chance to change a little bit, but he's always keep reminding me.
Q. This is the third ace of 2023, and our season-long initiative with each ace being $20,000 also to St. Jude. Not only do you get to give back in this way through Chevron but also CME Group gives back to St. Jude. Overall does that warm your heart? You've talked this entire time about how much charity means to you, but what does that also mean to you, as well, to just continue giving in this way?
IN GEE CHUN: So yeah, it is the first major in the 2023 season, so hopefully I can make more. If I can, then I help more people, because I really enjoyed it. I will do my best.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
