March 12, 2023
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, USA
TPC Sawgrass
Quick Quotes
Q. Heck of a weekend to remember. How do you feel about everything?
TOM HOGE: It was a bit of a roller coaster week, I guess. Man, certainly not the start that I wanted on Thursday, but I fought pretty hard and got myself back in the tournament there and really played well today on a tough scoring day with the wind kind of switching directions all the time. Just a couple bad swings for me that were a little bit costly.
Q. We saw your record round yesterday, 29 by Hatton on the back today, Scottie's putting up a big number. Is this knowledge of the course just how good a play there is, or is it the course giving in a little bit?
TOM HOGE: I would say with the rain it's certainly softer. You felt like you could be a little more aggressive with iron shots, whereas the first few days you were pretty defensive going into the greens just because it was bouncing out so much. That was the biggest factor I would say. Today was playing tough, 29 on the back nine is incredible with the way the wind is blowing out there. There was a lot uncertainty over shots. 17 you're trying to figure out is it straight across or just a little into or down, and hard to pick a club on a few of those when it's moving around that much.
Q. Speaking of incredible, what Scottie's doing right now, just how impressive, out-of-this-world kind of play is it?
TOM HOGE: Seems like every week he's right there with a chance to win. Just that consistency I think more than anything speaks to how well he's playing.
Q. Do you feel like you have the capability to become an elite player out here, one of the top 10, 15 players in the world?
TOM HOGE: Hmm, that's a tough question. I would like to say yes, but I would say realistically knowing distance and kind of where I stand, it holds me back a little bit when you get into some of the bigger golf courses that we play.
But I've always said there's whatever the number might be, 10, 15, 20 guys that are kind of separated themselves from everybody else, and kind of just trying to be the best version of myself and see how high I can climb.
Q. Having this week, this performance, top-5 finish, what can that do for you in terms of how you perceive yourself as a player and your role in this game?
TOM HOGE: I don't think a lot changes. I've always loved this golf course. I feel like it sets up really well for me so I feel like should play well when I come here. I'm just going to look back on Thursday; a little bit frustrated with that performance because I would have been right there without that.
Q. Was there any element of the weekend that in your mind was a little bit of a bonus just in terms of how close you came to not playing the weekend at all?
TOM HOGE: Yeah, the whole thing, really. I booked a flight home Thursday night for the first one, so I certainly wasn't expecting to be here. So you just try to carry this momentum forward now, and hopefully I can find something in my golf game to keep this going.
Q. What are you most proud of from the week overall?
TOM HOGE: I mean, the 62 stands out, but honestly battling today and battling Friday in a lot tougher conditions when the wind was up and really playing pretty nicely is right there with it.
Q. Do you do anything to celebrate the course record at all?
TOM HOGE: Nothing much. I was worn out from that day. Waking up and sweating three hours of making the cut, then going out and playing, it was a long day.
Q. What are Scottie's strengths?
TOM HOGE: Everything. (Laughing.) I mean, he hits it long, he hits it high, he's going to be able to play any golf course.
He lives in Dallas, I'm in Fort Worth, so he certainly knows how to handle the wind, as we're seeing this week, but that's the biggest thing. There's no weaknesses, so he can go to any golf course and play well kind of like he's done for a few years now.
Q. How would you describe the respect he has from the membership as a player?
TOM HOGE: I would say he's got a ton of respect. His game speaks for itself, but just the guy that Scottie is, very quiet soft-spoken guy that is one of the nicest guys out here. So I enjoy that about him more than what he's doing on the golf course I would say.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
