November 11, 2022
Belleair, Florida, USA
Pelican Golf Club
Quick Quotes
Q. Okay, here with In Gee Chun after her first round here at the Pelican Women's Championship. Interested to know what you thought of the course today after a lot of rain, and what were some of the challenges out there today?
IN GEE CHUN: Was quite like getting softer, so was play much easier than like during the practice round. Because I was tough to make stop on the green, like when I played like Tuesday and Wednesday, so that's how many players got a good scores.
Q. I guess just how did you spend the extra day yesterday? You're building up your prep for a start on Thursday and then all of a sudden you're starting on Friday now. How do you handle that extra day and what did you do?
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, I can't handle all the weather so I just stay inside airbnb, and I trying to like spend time, so I watched Netflix and I did some like stretching. Like I brought the putting mat, so I did a putting practice from the putting mat.
And then just practice swinging and I had a good like lunch and dinner. Yeah, and I had a good rest.
Q. You took a long time off. What did you do?
IN GEE CHUN: So first four weeks my doctor said I need to take time off, so I totally didn't touch my golf club. So my focus was trying to have a good rest, so I didn't do anything, just took medicine then got some good rest.
After that, I slowly trying to like have like feeling back, so I went to the studio in gym, so I did a lot of workout with the trainers, with trainers.
Q. Did you paint? Did you read? What did you do during that time you were resting?
IN GEE CHUN: I thought very at the beginning I thought if I go to art studio, if I do some like painting, maybe it has like chance to get pressure on my shoulder too, so I don't do any paint first four weeks, during first four weeks.
After I had a good break, then I started to like paint again with my like art teacher, and I just had a really good time with my art teacher because she's really nice person.
So when I like talk with her, like I can see more like the world without the golf. It's the always have a good time with her, so it's more like healing time for me.
Q. When you came back to golf, did you feel refreshed?
IN GEE CHUN: Absolutely.
Q. Did you like golf again when you tee'd off?
IN GEE CHUN: We always want to have good round, so when you had like big break then come back, then absolutely I have more pressure, but at the same time feel much more refreshed.
So I think I can enjoy to play golf more now.
Q. I know you spent like several months at home in Korea. How does that break help prepare you for these last two weeks on tour, and especially for CME, which is a big tournament?
IN GEE CHUN: Honest, like last two months I feel I was not that long, so, wow, I spend like two months in Korea already? I have that feeling now.
But anyway, when like I had like -- I had break, very beginning, to be honest, I feel little sad because of the injury because I couldn't play golf.
But I couldn't do anything, so I trying to be like positive side, and then just think like, okay, In Gee, have a good like time with friends and family. It's really good time to do it, so I did.
Q. Yeah.
IN GEE CHUN: After that, when I came back to U.S., I love to come back here, so, yeah.
Q. Yeah.
IN GEE CHUN: I love to see all the friends on the tour again, yeah.
Q. You're still in contention for a couple awards this season. Still near the top. How important are these last two tournaments for you?
IN GEE CHUN: I think my season was very busy; however, I achieved my goal which was to win again on the tour, so now I want to make -- continue like the momentum so I can hopefully like achieve grand slam next year.
So that's my goal, so I want to make a finish for this week and next week, too. Yeah.
Q. Did you miss your house in Dallas while you're in Korea?
IN GEE CHUN: I really miss my house in Dallas.
Q. Who looks after it while you're away?
IN GEE CHUN: Luckily I have really good neighbors, so the my neighbors, they take care my house when I was not there.
So when I came back to the Dallas, before I came here, like a lot of boxes was inside my house. It was like it was fun to like open all of the boxes and like papers, letter.
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