July 23, 2022
Auchterarder, Scotland, United Kingdom
PGA Centenary at Gleneagles
Quick Quotes
Q. Thoughts on 67 to leave you 8-under?
JERRY KELLY: Good, I hit the ball better today. It was still kind of sketchy starting off the round but actually as conditions got worse, I kind of settled into it a little bit more and struck the ball better. The putting was better, as well. Yeah, I'm looking to a slugfest tomorrow.
Q. Did you find the striking on the golf course or on the range?
JERRY KELLY: I didn't go to the range at the turn, so I definitely found it on the golf course because it was pretty sketchy early.
There's some things I'm doing on range that I am trying to duplicate on the golf course and I don't do it very well. So I kind of had to go back to what I know how to do and just as my wife says, do what you do, and it's good enough. You know, that's what I'm going to try and do tomorrow is just try and get the club on the ball.
Q. How did the golf course change over the first two days?
JERRY KELLY: Yeah, there's a lot of holes that were very different, especially that 18th. I mean, driver, 4-iron, lay up to a full wedge shot, I was up on top of the hill. I didn't try and hit it hard but still, it was shocking. Could have ended up back on top of the hill. There were a bunch of them like that. Had 205 into the wind on 13 was probably the biggest shocker. But looking forward to some tough conditions tomorrow.
Q. Momentum going into tomorrow?
JERRY KELLY: Yeah, I'm ready for really tough conditions. I think it will be a fun challenge.
Q. Experience you've gained from the senior majors, how much will that help tomorrow?
JERRY KELLY: It definitely helps. Trying to get your first one is difficult. But this is such a coveted jug here that I'll be feeling it tomorrow.
Q. Obviously would mean a lot?
JERRY KELLY: Absolutely. That's the only reason I come over here for is that title and that Claret. It's a little smaller than the main one, but still, it's revered in our country, too, trust me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
