June 24, 2022
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Congressional Country Club (Blue Course)
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: In Gee, you took a five-stroke lead into today's round, further extending that with a 69 today. What was the biggest challenge of maintaining that position atop the leaderboard?
IN GEE CHUN: After I had a great round yesterday, I felt I was just golf game, but today was not normal golf game. It was me versus me. So I tried to make good focus on my game. It was more hard, but I'm so glad I made the par.
THE MODERATOR: We spoke yesterday. You talked about some of the challenges you've had recently. Putting too much pressure on yourself and trying to be perfect. After those back-to-back bogeys, you made a 7 and 8. What was the key to getting back on track?
IN GEE CHUN: So I'm a little perfectionist. I have a lot of pressure before. Sometimes it makes a little stress, but at the same time I believe I'm trying to work hard. That help a lot for my golf too.
I believe after I made a couple of bogeys, but it was definitely I give all my effort, so In Gee has already passed test. I have to make the shot -- make the good focus on this shot. I kept trying make good focus every shot until I finish it.
THE MODERATOR: You're taking a pretty large lead into the weekend in a major championship. What do you think you're going to need to do well over the next two days to maintain that position?
IN GEE CHUN: I just want to keep going what I did last two days. I already say I feel like after I had a great first round, it's now a game that's going more me versus me.
I keep trying to make good focus, and I just want to keep trying what I did last two days. I think that's the key to make win this week. Just go with the flow, do what I can do.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
