June 24, 2022
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Congressional Country Club (Blue Course)
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: Here with In Gee Chun after a second round 69 here at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Another successful round for you and always good to end with a birdie. What was the best part of your round today, do you think?
IN GEE CHUN: The 18th. I'm so happy I made a finish with a birdie on the 18th.
THE MODERATOR: That is a very tough hole. Can you tell us how you played that hole today?
IN GEE CHUN: So I hit the driver. Then I had 7-iron on the second shot. I made a really good shot. The birdie putt was 10 feet almost.
Then I really want to make the finish with birdie, so I try and make really good focus. I did everything on that putt. That's why I say I'm so happy I made it.
THE MODERATOR: That's a great thing to be happy with. Also, I would think the way you came back from those two bogeys in a row. After playing so well, how tough is it to come back from two struggles like that in a row?
IN GEE CHUN: So on No. 8 my tee shot wasn't the best, but I felt like I got unlucky to what lie I had.
Then when I got a par putt, then I tried to make focus again. Then I think I did everything, but it was just unlucky to hit the flag and then just stay outside of hole.
After that it was really struggle a little bit, but me and Dean talked about the putt. In Gee, you did everything. That's golf. I agree, that's golf. I just stay on the process.
I have 11 more holes and -- 10 more holes. I tried to come back, what I can do.
THE MODERATOR: Absolutely. Last question from me. You have a six-stroke lead going into the weekend at a major. Does that make you feel confident or maybe a little pressure with that big lead going into the weekend?
IN GEE CHUN: Honest, before I start today, I got a little pressure for sure because after I had a great first round, everyone talk about how you are, like, five-shot lead. Now I'm in a good position. Everyone's expectations are really high.
So it was a little tough to make focus, but I believe it's another process in my life, so I want to see the big picture. So I just want to enjoy my next two days.
Q. In Gee, a 69 is a very good score. After a 64, does it feel a little disappointing that you only shot 69?
IN GEE CHUN: No, I think it's still a great score. Before I started today, I really don't want to think about yesterday.
It was almost a perfect game I had, so if I can think about yesterday, then I feel like I couldn't make good focus on my game today, so I really didn't think about yesterday.
Q. Yesterday the magic club was the 7-wood. What was the magic club today?
IN GEE CHUN: 9-wood. So first -- except first hole I think I used the 9-wood three holes straight. Then I had -- I made a really good birdie chance. I think I made two birdies with the 9-wood. I just missed the putt.
Then after that I hit 9-iron on No. 5, so Dean and I talk about, In Gee, you hit almost 9, 9, 9, 9. (Laughing).
Q. You talk about trying to see the bigger picture. What is the bigger picture to you?
IN GEE CHUN: If I go step back and see whole my golf life, today, this week is just one of the weeks in my golf life.
No matter what, I just want to keep -- for sure I'm going to keep playing golf. That's why I say I want to see the big picture. I just want to keep going to reach my goal in my life.
Q. I have two questions. I know that you added a 9-wood and a 7-wood this week. Have you had those in your bag previously at any other time, or are these brand new to you?
IN GEE CHUN: I used the 7-wood when I was really young. I think at the beginning to start golf. I don't know what age I stopped to use it, but I think almost more than ten years. The 9-wood, it's the first time to use.
Q. Is it your new favorite club after today?
IN GEE CHUN: I think so. So far so good.
Q. What did they replace? What came out of your bag?
IN GEE CHUN: I had the same club setting yesterday.
Q. I mean coming into the week, though.
IN GEE CHUN: Week? Tomorrow? Sorry.
Q. What did you take out of your bag on Wednesday or last week?
IN GEE CHUN: Last week. Ah, 4-hybrid and 3-hybrid.
Q. Can you just describe the lie that you had on 8. I know you took a while to kind of figure out what you wanted to do there and ended up sort of having to hit backwards out of the rough.
IN GEE CHUN: It was a pretty hard lie. I couldn't go at the front, so I try to just get out of here was the first thought.
Then I had a bad shot from the third shot, so I had a really tough par putt. So I think just that hole I just lost my focus a little bit, but I think that's golf. I think I can't make good focus hole 18 holes and every shot. I think golf is not perfect game, but it's still who is trying to make better and better.
Q. Is it easier to go through a tough hole like that when you know how far ahead you've been and maybe there's a little bit less pressure on?
IN GEE CHUN: Hmm, I made a good -- I tried everything on par putt, but when it missed the hole, for sure I feel a little, like -- a little bit -- I don't want to say bad, but, anyway, it's already passed what I can do. I just want to move on. Trying to move on.
Q. In Gee, you look like you play so freely and with so much joy on the golf course. Where do you find that, and where does that come from? This can be a tough week, a stressful week for a lot of players, and you're out there saying hi to fans and just smiling pretty much after every shot. Where do you find that joy in your golf game?
IN GEE CHUN: Definitely it's not. A lot of up and down in my mind. I believe if I keep smiling and if I keep enjoying my golf, then I can reach my goal. I can make better results. That's what I believe.
That's why I keep trying, smiling on the course, be nice to people because they're here to watch my game. Then for sure when a lot of spectators are out there, I can make better game and then I can make better focus.
Q. I see someone gave you a stuffed Dumbo. I'm wondering how many of those do you have now?
IN GEE CHUN: I think almost I have everything with Dumbo photos or -- I have Dumbo hat, Dumbo spoon, Dumbo cup, Dumbo blanket. I think I have everything in my house.
Q. What's the most memorable thing a fan has ever given you?
IN GEE CHUN: If I pick one, then all the fans will feel bad. Someone gave me a head cover, so I use the Dumbo head cover last six, seven years. Dumbo hat, the yellow is almost fade, so I felt so bad. (Laughing).
Q. You came here a month ago, right, and played?
Q. Did you have a special feeling about the golf course then? Did you like it once you saw it?
IN GEE CHUN: When I played this course a month ago, I just thought the course is going to be really hard. That's it.
Okay, In Gee, now you have another major. It was feel same. No matter what, you can't control the course setting, weather, how other players play. Just trying to make your own game, that's what I thought when I was here.
THE MODERATOR: We have a question from Zoom. Is this making you feel like when you won at Evian? Does this so far feel like your week at Evian when you won?
IN GEE CHUN: I thought about it after I finished yesterday because the last hole I really wanted to make par because I remember at Evian I started with 8-under. So, In Gee, you can make another 8-under today. Just trying to make good focus on last putt.
Then after I made it, I feel really happy to have finished with the 8-under, but I think it was in 2016, so to be honest, I felt a little bit more pressure with my English because I took more time. I want to talk English better for you.
It felt different, but my golf game I really grow a lot, so I'm getting more mature on the course. Just trying what I do today on the next two days, and we'll see.
Q. I wanted to ask you what memories you have from that tournament that you can use here this week? What do you remember of Evian in 2016?
IN GEE CHUN: So before the final round I knew if I shot 70, then 2-under, then I can make history for the lowest score in a major tournament, men's and women's both. It was a lot of pressure before I knew the course there.
Then I made it, so it was bumped up to have more confidence, but at the same time my expectation is going up and up. That's how I got a lot of pressure from my golf. I just wanted to make perfect and another perfect.
I just want to relief everything now. I don't want to get more stressed, or I don't want to try to make a perfect game on the course. I just want to enjoy my golf game. That's the key. I believe it's the key.
If I'm thinking, well, the next two days are what I thought or I think, then I think I have a lot of chance to make win this week, yeah.
THE MODERATOR: You definitely have a wonderful chance. Thank you so much. We'll see you tomorrow.
IN GEE CHUN: Thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
